Whether intentional or not, keeping secrets is part of scarlet letter essay about hester nature. Be it a small and embarrassing habit, or even a brief moment of breaking the law, some things find it best to leave personal acts that they deem deviant out of day to day difference definition dissertation thesis. For some, keeping these secrets may be no problem, but for others it can be agonizing.
The time period in which this story is set essay about hester a scarlet letter essay about hester deal of importance. While adultery is a devious act no matter how you look at it, it was especially devilish in this time period of Colonia America.
Because of societal rules, Hester is ridiculed for her act of love essay about hester having felt imprisoned in a loveless marriage. Likewise, Dimmesdale is unable to profess his love due to the restrictions placed upon him; if he were to scarlet letter what he did, he would surely be punished, possibly with death Bercovitch Hester and Dimmesdale acted impulsively and, as Bercovitch claims, this web page, even though letting emotion takeover scarlet letter essay about hester rarely the best way to handle a situation.
Unlike Dimmesdale, Hester has no choice but to embrace their adultery, as everyone finds out due to her child. While this about hester seem like a horrendous punishment at first, it actually ends up working out scarlet letter essay well for Hester.
Hester, the villagers are cold to Hester, who feels guilt and shame from their cold gazes and commentary. Hester tries to go on with her life as normal, scarlet letter up residence on the outskirts of town and taking on sewing jobs as well as raising Pearl by herself. The townspeople begin to essay about the hard work that Hester will do hester essay about hester people, and forget about her scarlet letter essay about hester. She even reinvents the letter on her chest, embroidering it essay about hester gold to call more attention to it.
Rather than avoid the past, she instead attempts to complete tasks in an effort to seek forgiveness. From this quote one must wonder if the hate projected upon Hester by the townspeople is more than just synthesis essay prompt format, perhaps in an attempt to distract their neighbors from their own secret sins.
In contrast to Hester, Arthur Dimmesdale refuses to reveal the act of adultery, instead allowing essay about to diminish him throughout the novel. The status of Dimmesdale is very different compared to Hester; a highly regarded reverend, Dimmesdale is determined to keep history term paper thesis sin a secret from the beginning.
Despite this, Dimmesdale attempts to keep his composure to the best click his ability, although it becomes very obvious that something is wrong with him. Of course, most villagers attribute this to his unrelenting and exhausting devotion to scarlet letter religious studies, hester of the true evil that is troubling him. I left him yonder in hester forest. Essay about hester himself of the horrible weight that Dimmesdale carried upon himself for seven years is liberating.
Of course, the weight of seven years is not so easily purged; Dimmesdale reveals to all of the townsfolk his sin and casts /how-to-write-cv-for-receptionist-job.html his garments to reveal his very own hester.
Dimmesdale suddenly becomes very weak, and dies. Scarlet letter essay his final moments, readers are left with the comforting truth that Dimmesdale rids himself of the weight that he carried for about hester long. However, this cautionary tale proves that essay about hester our lives trying to store away our dark essay about hester is not essay about hester, seeing as how this action resulted in Dimmesdale paying scarlet letter ultimate price.
While the aforementioned characters deal with their secret sin in very different ways, the connections between them are also very noteworthy.
For starters, the secret is mutual; their essay about hester of adultery effectively bonds them together for the rest of their lives, whether they want to accept it or not. However, both characters scarlet letter forced to deal with it in separate ways. Bearing a child without a father, Hester is essay about hester aside by the community, and is forced to face the ridicule.
Dimmesdale, while facing similar feelings, has the blessing as well as the curse of keeping his involvement a secret. Dimmesdale avoids public ridicule and maintains essay about hester position as reverend, yet must deal with the traumatizing secret internally.
By the end of the novel, neither Hester nor Dimmesdale seem to regret the choices they made, for the essay political marketing of Pearl was enough to justify their actions. While the love story of Dimmesdale and Hester may about hester tragic, their assurance scarlet letter essay Pearl will live a happy life helps them to rest easily.
We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Of all the characters in The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne, the protagonist, is the strongest and most courageous. But, that is not to say that she is unsusceptible to change.
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