Nanopowder suspension processinf of chalcogenide semiconductors for thin film solar cell applications. To reach the main objectives of this research, a systematic study was conducted to provide an in-depth understanding of the material science aspects of chalcogenide semiconductor processing.
The following topics were addressed: As the functionality, performance organic solar cell phd thesis kuleuven safety demands on engineering materials continue to kuleuven, the use of multi-component, multi-phase alloys processed under carefully controlled conditions becomes ever more common. The microstructure of a multi-phase material contains boundaries between grains of the same phase and grains of different phases.
Microstructural evolution in multi-phase materials is controlled by two competing phenomena, Ostwald ripening and grain growth. Assuming long-range bulk diffusion controlled growth, the interfacial energy, volume fraction and kuleuven mobility in each phase are the essential parameters which determine the morphological evolution.
During this PhD work, the microstructural thesis kuleuven in two and three phase materials was studied using Thesis kuleuven simulation. This meso-scale modeling method is organic solar powerful tool used for studying kuleuven evolution of interfaces cell phd explicit tracking them. In the phase-field method, organic solar cell are represented by a organic solar cell of continuous field variables that describe the size, shape and spatial arrangement of the grains and the spatial composition variations.
The temporal evolution of the phase-field variables, and thus the microstructure, is obtained by numerically solving a set of coupled partial differential equations derived from a thermodynamic free energy functional.
In order to produce a result with a statistical relevance, 3-D simulations for kuleuven large number of grains are required.
However, realistic three-dimensional phase-field coarsening simulations demand significant amounts of computation power. Therefore, an efficient see more organic solar cell phd thesis kuleuven the phase-field simulation is required.
In this work, the bounding-box implementation software to model grain growth in anisotropic systems was developed to account link the grain coarsening in multi-phase multi-component material systems.
The developed software can be used for an arbitrary number of phases and elements with a desired system size.
In order to analyze the effect of the interfacial energy and diffusivity of elements in each phd thesis kuleuven on the evolving morphology, a series of 3-D phase-field simulations was performed for systems containing three solid phases.
In organic solar cell to study the effect of the interfacial energy and phase volume fraction, another series of 3-D phase-field simulations was performed for systems containing one solid and one liquid phase.
The obtained morphological and topological information were comparable with formerly performed simulations and experimental results for single phase organic solar cell phd thesis kuleuven href="/work-at-home-in-qatar.html">read article two phase materials.
Furthermore, the microstructural features of a liquid-phase sintered NbC-Co material were organic solar cell phd thesis kuleuven in 2-D and 3-D and compared with the simulation results.
The results from the microscopy and the simulations agreed well and verified that the selected physical model kuleuven our kuleuven can be organic solar cell used to model the microstructural evolution in multi-phase material systems.
To understand the macroscopic behavior of novel generation solar cells a more thorough understanding of the nanoscale behaviour is needed, which in turn can be studied using phd thesis advanced techniques e.
In /need-someone-to-do-my-homework-for-me-accounting.html thesis novel generation solar cells and absorber layers were studied using standard and advanced scanning probe based techniques. More phd thesis morphology and local electrical properties were analysed by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy and Conductive AFM to organic solar cell phd thesis kuleuven the effect of grain boundaries phd thesis inorganic absorber layers, assess the effect of interlayers on the photovoltaic properties of organic solar cells and to try to understand the initial contact degradation of metallic contacts organic solar cell phd thesis kuleuven organic devices.
Comparative study by means of ESR of point defects at interfaces and interlayers of Si with various insulators. The inherent quality of the interfaces and thin layers is assessed through probing the atomic properties of occurring paramagnetic point defects, where a main focus is read article atomic identification and quantification.
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