The broadened concept of marketing introduced by Levy and Kotler has suggested that in addition to economic essay political marketing and services, the concept of markeing is applicable to the marketing of persons, organizations, and ideas.
These broadened essay political marketing of the concept essay political marketing marketing call for essay political marketing other marketing concepts whose boundaries were conventionally set to relate only to marketing of economic goods and services. Examples of such concepts heeding broader definition are: Although Levy and Essay political marketing addressed themselves to these concepts, their discussion is brief, general, and auxiliary to their main theme.
About dreams in life doing so, they left the practical issue of broadening the marketing concepts quite open. The purposes of this paper are to show the applicability of marketing concepts to the area of political marketing in general, marketing to discuss the relationships among consumer essay political marketing voter behavior concepts in essay political.
To achieve these goals, marketing definition essay political marketing political marketing is presented.
Then the applicability of major marketing concepts such as sellers and buyers, market segmentation, product mix, brand essay political, and the like is discussed. Finally, the similarities and differences in marketing structure of the study of consumer and essay political marketing behavior are assessed.
Political marketing is the process by which political candidates and ideas are directed at the essay political marketing in order to satisfy their political needs and thus gain their support for the candidate and essay political marketing in question. A cursory comparison between marketing of goods and services, and marketing of political candidates would readily point up at least one common concept promotion.
Clearly there is quite extensive use of media by the seller and the candidate for the purposes of informing, reminding, as well as changing attitudes and behavior. Possibly, such a comparison would also indicate that both marketing of essay political marketing and services, and marketing of political candidates utilize similar tools such as market research, and various statistical and computer techniques in essay political marketing the market. Although these points are essay political marketing correct, they denote only a few of the similarities between marketing and political marketing.
A more serious comparison, however, will indicate that many more concepts and tools are shared by marketing of essay political marketing high school term papers services, marketing marketing of political candidates.
Consider, for example, some well-known concepts of marketing: They are all concepts of political marketing.
Consider also some of the familiar tools which are used in marketing The are all tools essay political marketing in the marketing of political candidates Kotler, forthcomingIn addition, even the terminology that specialists of political campaigns read more is basically a marketing terminology. For marketing, the development of political campaign terminology in recent years: But perhaps the most powerful test for applying the concept of marketing in the area of political marketing, is by examination of the applicability of consumer behavior concepts to the area of voter behavior.
The reason for this essay political marketing that the consumer orientation of marketing has made consumer behavior concepts the focal points of marketing. Sellers, Products, and Buyers. Both marketing and political marketing include three main elements: Marketing is a process essay political political marketing which sellers essay political marketing the buyers products and services in essay political marketing for something of value usually money.
The same process essay political marketing place in political marketing, whereby the candidates offer the voters products or ideas such as "economic prosperity," or "safe society," in return essay political marketing their votes and support essay political marketing the campaign period and there after. The fact that many economic products can be essay political marketing and bought often while buying the product that political candidates offer can be done only infrequently and at a fixed point in time and space does not invalidate this argument, but rather indicates differences in nature and use of political and economic products, very marketing to the differences in nature and usage of products and services which are-traditionally subsumed by essay political e.
The core of both marketing and political marketing essay on articles of confederation the consumers.
Essay political marketing consumers, the marketer of economic goods and services does not have a market, and without voters the political marketer does not have a campaign. Because both marketers need consumers to survive, the concept write my college essay for me consumer behavior marketing voter behavior becomes a focal point of marketing and political marketing, respectively.
The fact that in one case an individual is called "consumer" and in the other " voter," is merely a semantic difference. In both cases the individual can be viewed as essay political marketing organism receiving stimuli about the essay political marketing and reaching predispositions to respond, and a final response state after going through an essentially essay political marketing decision making process.
Accordingly, the principles of well known models of consumer behavior can certainly be applied to voter essay political marketing, and vice versa.
In fact, the similarities here are so strong, marketing consumer behavior literature and models include concepts which were first developed in /how-to-start-off-an-essay-about-a-book.html literature of voter behavior, for example, selective exposure, selective perception, two-step flow of communication. Market Segmentation and Product Mix. Both marketing and political marketing utilize the concepts of market segmentation and target groups to essay political marketing sales and votes, respectively.
Market segmentation is the process by which consumers and potential consumers of the product are distinguished along one or more variables so as to create homogeneous groups, and /reliable-custom-essay-writing-service-uk.html some of them as target gm ups in order to offer a essay political marketing product mix, and achieve the company's goals e.
Drawing on the latest theoretical work and providing the broadest collation of international political marketing research available, this text:. Presented in a clear and engaging style, this textbook offers sophisticated understanding of this exciting new area.
We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. The cost of political marketing has been continually on the rise as campaigns grow to be more elaborate and extensive.
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