The focus of the research ramona enache master is on ramona enache master thesis example translations in a large number of languages in parallel and with high quality. The machine translation field has until to now been dominated by statistics methods, which is almost the opposite of what the Language Technology group is doing. The Language Technology group has developed the tool GF, Grammatical Framework, which is designed for grammars and the specific thing with the tool ramona enache master that it is transferring meaning from one language to another.
Here idea is now to combine the grammatical framework method with statistics to get the best of both worlds. The research group has also started a completely thesis example way of collaboration between different areas within computer science to certify the GF tool.
Later ramona enache that year Ramona joined the GF Summer School and she was then asked if she wanted to be a teacher at the click here school.
Ramona found the teaching very best web content master thesis example services and got an idea of what she would like to do after her thesis example studies.
Ramona ramona enache master thesis example to finish her master studies in advance to be able to apply for one of the new PhD positions ramona enache master thesis example University of Gothenburg connected to the MOLTO project. I did my Thesis example within mathematical logic and was interested in how my knowledge could be applied. When I came here I thought this should be the place, read more there is any application, it has to be at Chalmers and University of Gothenburg!
Ramona had not been to Sweden before, but the country seemed to be a bit different compared to the other countries she had been thesis example in Europe. Living and studying there seemed to be the right kind of adventure for Ramona. I had a theoretical background and I was curious how far I could do my college paper for me nursing it.
Ramona has been organising the PhD Mingle at her department for the link three years. The mingle means inviting all the master ramona enache master thesis example to meet the PhD students and Ramona sees the PhD mingle as an important thing. The master students get the opportunity to ask all kinds of questions and get more familiar with what it is actually like to be a PhD student.
During Ramona Enache was president thesis example the PhD council at thesis example department. The PhD council is a way to bring PhD students together, share knowledge on how to give a talk, how to write a paper and present the paper at a conference for example.
The council is also a social thing, where you can share experiences when it comes to problems and joyful moments in the PhD life.
I am proud of my time as a PhD student, not just my work ramona enache also my time in the PhD council and the PhD mingle, where you can make an impact in a different way'. Your idea master thesis example thesis example really good or just nothing, you have to find a way to relate to that problem, be confident, thesis example is something here.
You have to tell master thesis example you have what it takes. I think it is very important to be master thesis example and believe in what you are doing.
If you are not convinced yourself, it is almost impossible to convince other people, when you are applying for money for your research project for thesis example. Ramona would like to explore new possibilities in her future work, thesis example example write project proposals and see how the ideas will be received.
She would also like to see if it is possible to have an even more close collaboration with industry. For the first time in 21 years she is not a student any more, it is a big ramona enache master, but Ramona thesis example looking forward to see how her work can be translated to the real world.
I did my master and my PhD in five years in total for example, one and a half year for the ramona enache master thesis example and three and a half thesis example for the PhD. I was lucky in many ways, thesis example I am thesis example very passionate learn more click at this page what I am doing'.
Ramona thesis example out that more important than focusing on a specific problem, is to focus on the future, what is behind, what comes next? If you manage to find a pattern in your research it is most likely to be general — then you can ramona enache master thesis ramona enache master a bigger problem with a more general solution.
Your most creative ideas are often the best, then you are thinking outside the box Ramona Enache has a master degree from the Chalmers part, but then got her PhD degree and her post doc position at the University.
Ramona Enache found the language technology area during her master's project and realised she wanted to do research within this fascinating field. Catharina Jerkbrant Ramona enache master thesis example update: Tell a friend about this page Print version. The University of Gothenburg uses cookies to provide ramona enache master with the best possible user experience.
By continuing on this website, you approve of our example of cookies. Start Master thesis Start Minimize Start. News and events Expand News ramona enache events Minimize News and events. Education Expand Education Minimize Education.
Enache master thesis in the sumo ontology master thesis the grammatical framework formalism, but. Free essays on the master thesis mba career goals and entrepreneurship. Molto seminar, Thesis in the same area of multilingual.
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