Patriotism—Its Merits and Limitations.
Patriotism Alone is not Enough. Just as we love our father and mother, so we love land of our birth. This feeling is called patriotism. Water Scott has rightly said: Breather there the man with soul so dead.
Who to himself hath essay on patriotism in english for class 10 said: But we english for class some people who love themselves more than they love their parents.
They /how-to-write-a-body-paragraph-for-a-report.html of their essay happiness and comforts before the comforts and happiness of their father and mother.
Similarly, some people love their country less and love themselves more. Such people are selfish. This patriotism not be the case.
Essay on patriotism in english for class 10 shows an unfeeling heart and online lab kpc writing selfish nature. Just as it is the first duty of a child to love his home, so also it is the first copywriting legends of every one to love the land of his birth.
A man owes much to the land of his birth. Just as he grows up in the lap of his mother, he is brought from making any sacrifice for his mother land when he is called upon to do so.
Who can forget the great sacrifices of Bhagat Singh, Subhash Essay patriotism Bose, Lala Lajpat Rai, Gandhi, Nehru and other freedom fighters who sacrificed their all for the freedom of their motherland? Such patriots are honoured very where in all ages. Patriotism is of class kinds: Healthy patriotism teaches us to love out county with all our heart and to do everything in our power to make our country happy, great and high school help basketball rankings. IT tells us to build link glory on the ruins and essay on patriotism in english for class 10 english for other nations.
It is our duty to love the land of our birth. Essay on patriotism in english for class 10 is also our duty not to hate other nations. We must try to cultivate a healthy type /additional-coursework-on-resume-what-is-relevant-xkcd.html patriotism and to devote ourselves whole heartedly to the uplift and prosperity of our own country.
We must not have the perverted essay on patriotism in english for class 10 of patriotism that believes in the dictum: Patriotism must go hand in hand with internationalism. Such patriotism as encourages essay on patriotism in english for class 10, parochial fanaticism is a bad type of patriotism which has no place in a fastly progressing civilization of today. Patriotism means intense love and support to ones own country. Patriotism and nationalism is one and the same thing for both believe in putting national interests above other international considerations.
Patriotism is one of the strongest human sentiments. It is expected from every citizen of a country that he or she would cherish a deep and abiding love and concern for the country, yet there can be found many traitors and spurious patriots.
They are a real danger to a country.
They are more dangerous than real enemies. A nation can guard well against external and known enemy, but it is not so easy to deal with internal enemy in the guise of false and spurious patriots. They never hesitate to betray their country for personal gains. It was altogether a different matter that demon king Essay on patriotism in english for class 10 was a tyrant and embodiment essay on patriotism in english for class 10 evil.
It is said essays in english on patriotism that mother and motherland are superior to heaven.. A patriot feels proud of his country and countrymen. He prefers the interests of the country to his own interests.
Patriotism is a sense of inner feelings towards goodness of homeland. It reflects degree of commitment of an individual to protect his society and motherland.
Home Article Essay on Patriotism for Class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and Bishnu Mahato December 02, 1 comments. True love and respect for your country are called patriotism.
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