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Abstract Master thesis in microfinance has been recognized globally as a strategy in alleviating poverty and empowering women. However, developing countries government cannot solve these issues alone due to financial implications, master thesis in microfinance global development aid is decreasing.
This has in turn necessitated the master thesis in microfinance sector and non-governmental organizations to intervene in the market, and find innovative ways in tackling poverty in Kenya.
Microfinance programs have been introduced to provide financial services to the remote, low-income earners, focusing on women, which has been microfinance to be effective in reducing poverty, creating employment master thesis in microfinance thesis empowering women.
Further, the microfinance institution has for the past decade gone through a transformation from a non-profit to a full-fledged commercial microfinance bank. Primary data was collected from 49 informants in Kenya and Norway, and tabular and graphical methods have been supplemented to analyze data.
The study, based on the results on livelihood, assess the theoretical critique on commercialization, and demonstrate how commercialization affects outreach in master thesis in microfinance microfinance institutions. Based on this result I microfinance that the investments have a positive master thesis in microfinance on poverty alleviation, employment and empowerment among poor women in Kenya, with certain limitations and opportunity for increased supervision.
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We will spare no effort to free our fellow men, women, and children from the abject and dehumanizing conditions of extreme poverty to which more than a billion of them are currently subjected. No society can surely be flourishing and happy of which by far the greater part of the numbers are poor and miserable. The poverty question is a global phenomenon.
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