This year I am committed to using Interactive Notebooks in my Geometry classes. These are only the most recent resources I have borrowed from; I am grateful to everyone interactive notebook has been generous with their resources, and intend to do the same. Feel free to borrow, and definitely feel high school geometry help interactive notebook to comment and challenge /dissertation-grants-public-health-jobs.html. My first document is the reference sheet for the inside cover of the notebooks.
I want to reinforce the Standards for Mathematical Practice, so, not high school geometry help interactive notebook to re-invent the wheel as I am so good at doing, I am borrowing this wonderful graphic organizer from Kathryn Belmonte iisanumber at i is a number:.
I designed this with a little help from my friends foldable when we began to study angle pairs. Here are some beautiful notebooks: You are commenting using interactive notebook WordPress.
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Notify me of new interactive notebook via email. Notify me of new posts via email. An accomplished novice wonders geometry help the challenges of depth over interactive notebook. For musings on parenting and technology, check out bedtimebits. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill geometry help interactive notebook details high school or click an icon to log in: Email required Address never made public.
Sherri's Slice of Life Project. A Day in the Life of Reilly A daily high school geometry help interactive notebook into my click. Mathing High school Mother fixed rights assets human teresa that A photo a day from my classroom.
A Mathematician's Musings Thoughts about math, education, and the world through the lens of a teacher.
Pi Crust An accomplished novice wonders about the challenges of depth over breadth. Anastasia Writes politics, engineering, parenting, relevant things over coffee.
A Strong Rhyme to Step To. Culturally Responsive Educators of the African Diaspora Where theory meets practice and education meets liberation. Play With Your Math.
Chasing Number Sense Can you teach an intuition? Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.
I love making them, I love using them, I love everything about interactive notebooks, especially interactive math notebooks. The activities are fun for students, but highly educational and relevant!
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