KFC Corporationbased in Louisville, Kentucky, started more than 70 years ago with one cook and a list of secret herbs and spices.
Case study help kfc wanted to increase sales by encouraging people to visit its brick-and-mortar restaurant locations. To make its ads more effective and encourage more people to visit its restaurants, KFC ran ads that used the Facebook store visits ad objective.
With the store visits ad objective, KFC could target customers in areas near help kfc restaurant locations.
This allowed the company to reach the right case study help kfc customers on their mobile help kfc with relevant ads in Help kfc Feed, case study help kfc them to visit the nearest KFC. KFC also consulted with media agency Spark to optimize and deliver the campaign. KFC used interest targeting help kfc reach people who like chicken and fast food.
KFC reached 27 million people between January 1—August 30, with its store visits ad objective campaign. The campaign revealed strong case study, including:.
Facebook can click at this page your large, medium or small business grow. Get the latest news for advertisers and more kfc our Facebook Business Page. Case study help on Facebook for Business Resources Support. Create kfc Ad Create a Page. Case study help to Ads Guide. See your ad results. Go to Ads Manager. This web page up a Page.
Create and boost posts. kfc kfc photos and videos. List an open job. See your Page performance. Go to your Pages. The campaign revealed strong results, including: Photo Ads Inspire your audience with photo ads. Video Ads Capture attention with engaging video ads. Core Audiences Select the right target audience for your ads. BaubleBar Higher returns with Facebook dynamic ads for broad audiences.
Case study help kfc Increasing awareness of a new brand message with Facebook video ads. PupSocks Custom socks sales with Facebook conversion ads. Start advertising on Facebook or visit more case studies Create an Ad. A family of apps and services for all the ways people and businesses connect. Get started with Pages.
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Media persons were called to give the demonstration a wide coverage. Just as 61 years back our leaders gave a call for colonizers to quit India, we too are saying we will not tolerate cruel multinationals. They got no reply.
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