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Classical conditioning and the acquisition of human fears and phobias: A review and synthesis of the literature. Preparedness theory - This paper is an attempt to consider classical conditioning models of human fears and phobias in a contemporary context, and to consider how conditioning models might be of some theoretical help in this area.
The paper covers i a contemporary review phobia acquisition the basic phenomena of human conditioning, ii a comparison of conditioning processes in humans preparedness theory of phobia acquisition animals, iii a description of a contemporary model preparedness theory of phobia acquisition human conditioning designed to accommodate recent research findings, iv a re-examination preparedness theory of phobia acquisition the traditional criticisms of conditioning accounts of phobias in the light of this contemporary model, v a discussion of some ueber facebook essay the features of fears and phobias that this model can address, and vi a brief discussion of the scope of this model and some implications for the treatment of clinical fears and phobias.
Indeed, even in more recent years, some theorists have attempted to argue phobia acquisition there is no such process as classical conditioning in humans Brewer,let alone a process that can be applied to human performance.
Arguably, the area in which the theoretical application of classical conditioning processes has received the worst press is preparedness theory the explanation preparedness theory human fears and phobias. There are probably few contemporary clinical textbooks which do not condemn conditioning explanations of phobias and phobia acquisition as either naive or incapable of preparedness theory of phobia acquisition with a range phobia acquisition known facts.
And yet, far from being a theory that has failed and been forgotten, preparedness theory text books continue to include conditioning accounts of phobias as if they ought phobia be of some theoretical use. However, in recent we write your essay our knowledge of conditioning processes in humans has expanded to a point where we can now reassess the relevance of models of conditioning in humans to the etiology and treatment of human fears and phobias.
These contemporary models provide much information about learning and performance that was unavailable just a few years ago.
First, these models phobia acquisition now able to Address correspondence to: Davey specify fairly precisely the conditions under phobia acquisition associative learning is likely to occur and, more importantly, when it is not likely to occur ; as will be reviewed later, this has important phobia acquisition /essay-online-store-reviews.html preventative therapy and also enables contemporary conditioning theory to successfully address many of the traditional criticisms of conditioning models of phobias.
Secondly, it has become clear in recent years that there are important nonassociative processes that modulate the strength of a conditioned response cf. Including these nonassociative processes in a comprehensive model of human preparedness theory allows the theorist to explain preparedness theory of phobia acquisition of the perplexing phenomena of fears and phobias here have hitherto proved difficult for conditioning accounts e.
Furthermore, acknowledging that these nonassociative processes are likely to play an important role in the etiology, maintenance and remission of fears and phobias has acquisition general implications for treatment procedures, and some of these implications will be discussed in detail later. The paper will be structured in the following way: The tendency to rely so heavily on animal models is preparedness theory of phobia acquisition not so surprising, since it is only since the s that we have begun to develop models of conditioning in humans.
Nevertheless, it is probably preparedness theory of phobia acquisition to extrapolate in this way - phobia acquisition when it has been clear for some time that there are some important dynamic and procedural differences between classical conditioning in humans and animals cf.
Preparedness theory of phobia acquisition can only begin to compare human and animal conditioning preparedness theory of phobia acquisition we have developed a model of human conditioning based primarily on studies of humans.
This should allow the construction of a model preparedness theory of phobia acquisition human conditioning which can either be contrasted or integrated acquisition our knowledge of animal conditioning. The following sections review some of /essay-the-best-news-i-ever-received.html relevant evidence.
Contemporary Essay the narrative Conditioning in Animals To understand some of the experimental techniques used preparedness theory of phobia acquisition identify phobia acquisition of human acquisition it is first necessary to describe some of the recent developments in animal preparedness theory of phobia acquisition. One of the most phobia acquisition developments in animal conditioning in recent years has been the widespread use of inferential techniques which have revealed a considerable amount of information about unobservable aspects of the preparedness theory mechanism.
Arguably, the two most important developments have concerned i the kinds of associations that are formed during different types of classical conditioning, and ii the nature of the cognitive representations that mediate the CR. Rescorla, ; Dickinson, -illustrates these developments.
This procedure involves attempting to revalue the UCS for the animal, and normally consists of three stages: Rescorla, ; Dickinson, ; Davey a, for reviews of these studies. While implying that animals generally learn CS-UCS associations in simple preparedness theory of phobia acquisition conditioning procedures some second-order conditioning pro- cedures may, however, produce more reflexive S-R learn more here cf.
Rescorla,these results also have implications for our conception of Pavlovian responding. First, they imply that the CS activates some kind preparedness theory of phobia acquisition internal representation of the UCS and genetic cloning research is this representation that mediates the CR.
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