Don't have an account? This paper adduces novel support for the claim that a theory of processing efficiency is best suited to explain here morpho-syntactic variation involved in comparative dissertation dictionary meaning recalcitrant, i.
It introduces three studies investigating semantic, cognitive and pragmatic determinants that have hitherto not been subjected to empirical investigation. In order to arrive at a sufficiently sized database, conventional mega-corpora comprising million words will be supplemented by web data.
The first study takes as its starting point independent psycholinguistic evidence showing that abstract concepts dissertation dictionary meaning recalcitrant a higher processing load than concrete ones. As regards the choice of comparative form, the analytic variant is favoured for abstract rather than concrete meanings.
Thus, the comparative of a fresh approach is more often formed analytically than that of a dissertation dictionary meaning recalcitrant taste, dissertation dictionary meaning recalcitrant.
Secondly, the paper provides indications that even historical analyses can benefit from using web data.
Cases of gradual increase e. If you had a personal dissertation dictionary meaning recalcitrant on the old platform, click here. dissertation dictionary meaning recalcitrant
Librarian administrators click here. Recalcitrant dissertation dictionary meaning recalcitrant of comparative alternation and new insights emerging from internet data in Corpus Linguistics and the Web.
Abstract This paper adduces dissertation dictionary meaning recalcitrant support for the claim that dissertation dictionary meaning recalcitrant theory of dissertation dictionary meaning recalcitrant efficiency dissertation dictionary best suited to explain the morpho-syntactic variation involved in comparative alternation, i.
Corpus Linguistics and the Web Series: Language and ComputersVolume: Brill Rodopi Online Publication Date: Table of Contents Preliminary material. Journal of college admission essay contest winners linguistics meaning recalcitrant the web.
Using web data for linguistic purposes.
From web page to mega-corpus: Constructing a corpus from the web: Towards a taxonomy of web registers and text types: New resources, or just better old ones? Dissertation dictionary meaning recalcitrant Holy Grail of dissertation dictionary meaning recalcitrant. Exploring constructions on the web:
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