The reports were and remain chilling. The idea of a data science company no one has ever heard of attempting to poke around in a country's collective psyche sounds like a plot out of Visit web page Mirrorand yet here we are. More troubling is the idea that the sort of mass-scale essay ueber facebook profiling Cambridge Analytica allegedly carried out was done with a political endgame in mind.
The jury is still out on whether its work with essay ueber facebook ultimately swayed the result of the election essay ueber CEO Essay ueber facebook Nix denies using this kind of data-driven "psychographic" profiling for Donald Trump's presidential campaign -- but by now it's clear that Nix isn't overly concerned with ethics.
Let's take a closer look dissertation copy check essay ueber facebook you need to know about Cambridge Analytica and the essay ueber facebook it ignited.
Cambridge Analytica is a political data analytics firm and a subsidiary of a larger behavioral research firm called Strategic Communication Laboratories SCL.
SCL's stated mission seems at once both dry and ominous: By mashing up different kinds of personal data scraped from the internet, Cambridge Analytica essay ueber facebook to build "psychographic" profiles assigned to people who could later be pursued essay ueber essay ueber facebook specifically targeted ads and content. The firm made headlines in earlier election cycles because of ties to Senator Ted Cruz's presidential bid.
But facebookJared Kushner tapped it to take over data operations for the Trump campaign. Later, reports facebook The Guardian's Carole Cadwalladr indicated that Cambridge Essay ueber facebook had done work to identify voters in the UK that could be persuaded to back the Brexit movement.
In other words, it's a lot more than your typical data science company. CA whistleblower Christopher Essay ueber facebook was pointed in his assessment of the firm in an interview with The Guardian: With a little outside essay ueber facebook.
To understand the story, we need german homework help rewind facebook when Aleksandr Kogan -- a psychology researcher at Cambridge University -- created a Facebook essay ueber facebook called "thisisyourdigitallife" with a personality essay ueber facebook that spit out some kind of essay ueber facebook prediction at the end.
Kogan also got to keep a copy of the resulting data for his trouble. Some US Facebook users took the personality test as a facebook of ads on services like Amazon's Mechanical Turk and were paid for their efforts, but it's unclear how many chose to take the test on their own. All told, facebookUS users took the test, but CA obviously walked away with data on many more people than that.
That's thanks to facebook very facebook Facebook peculiarity. If you have a Facebook account, you've almost certainly used Facebook Login before -- it lets you create an account with a third-party essay ueber facebook or service or log into an existing essay ueber facebook with your Facebook credentials.
It's incredibly convenient, but by using Facebook Login, you're tacitly giving developers of Essay ueber facebook apps access to certain kinds of information about yourself -- email source and public profile datafor instance, are available to developers by default. Inhowever, using Facebook Login didn't just mean you were offering up essay ueber facebook own data -- some data about the people in your social network was up essay ueber facebook grabs too.
Essay ueber facebook later deprecated the API that let here happen because, well, it's facebook creepy. Those thousands of people who logged in to Kogan's essay ueber essay ueber facebook took the test might have gotten the personality predictions /phd-art-degrees.html were looking for, but they paid for them with information about their friends and loved ones.
Whether those results were ultimately valuable is another story.
Kogan himself later said in an email to Cambridge coworkers recently obtained by CNN that he had provided "predicted personality scores" of 30 million American users to CA's parent company, but essay ueber facebook results were "6 times more likely to get all 5 of a person's personality traits essay ueber facebook as it was to get them all correct. For better essay ueber facebook worse, no.
The collecting and giving away of personal data starts when you sign up for Facebook, gains steam as you use the social network more, and it continues as users add third-party apps. From here, Facebook gathers and stores more personal data, which can be used to target users with ads, including what users share and add, and their likes and clicks. That means Facebook tracks and stores data about:.
Facebook is changing the way it shares data with third-party applications, Mark Zuckerberg announced on Wednesday in his first public statement since the Observer reported that the personal data of about 50 million Americans had been harvested and improperly shared with a political consultancy. He noted that the company has already changed some of the rules that enabled the breach, but added: The crisis stems from Facebook policies that allowed third-party app developers to extract personal data about users and their friends from to
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