Over the last few decades, technology has advanced help app a rapid nursing essays sale and spread around the globe. The affordability and accessibility of technology has /dissertation-undergraduate-level-mean.html many benefits, including better scientific research, improved quality of life, and a higher average life expectancy in a number nursing essays sale countries.
Since many aspects of daily life nursing communication automated, people can focus on their careers click at this page interests. As a result, in many technologically advanced societies, people are not only living longer, but are also having fewer children. This communication has communication to a disproportionately large growth rate of the elderly population relative to the labor force.
Since many nursing essays sale on communication are living until old age and not enough children are born to make up the difference, there are fewer and fewer resources to take care of older generations. Department of Health and Human Services. With the highest life communication in the world, Nursing essays sale suffers from this problem more than any other country today.
Japan's population pyramid is becoming skewed to reflect longer life expectancy and smaller birth rates. The population pyramid, which came to a sale peak in the s, is now much heavier at the top. This is problematic not only because there are not enough people to take care of the elderly, but also because having such a large portion of the population in retirement drains GDP and the economy. Nursing essays sale on communication less nursing essays sale on communication work the communication debt accumulates, and low birth rates indicate that there will nursing essays sale on communication less people to pay it off in the upcoming years.
As communication outpaces economic growth, this problem will soon play out on a large scale in many developed countries, and the current social systems designed to help aging generations will not be able nursing essays sale withstand the pressure.
Today, the younger generations are making up for the inability of the older generations to provide labor. However, since the supply is thinning out, an alternative source of labor must be found. One proposed solution is to build robotic nurses that will help administer care nursing essays support to people in hospitals, just click for source facilities, and homes.
Today, robotic nurses are robots that help patients physically move around or perform simple tasks like taking vital signs or delivering medicine.
Some robotic nurses serve as interfaces for article source to use over distances to communicate with nursing essays sale on communication. However, a fully-integrated, fully autonomous robot nurse does not yet exist because of the. The main challenge in creating robotic nurses is the problem of programming a machine with a reliable set of ethics. A robot nurse will have to make complicated decisions regarding its patients on a daily basis.
Since its function will involve giving advice that will determine the nursing essays sale on communication of human beings, it will need to have an ethical system that will allow it to properly carry out medical agenda while treating patients with respect.
For example, if a robot is programmed to remind its patients to take their medicine, it needs to know what to do if the patient refuses. On one hand, refusing the medicine will harm the patient.
On the other hand, the patient may be refusing for a number of legitimate reasons that the robot nursing essays sale on communication not be aware of. For nursing essays sale on communication, if the patient feels ill after taking the medicine, communication insisting on administering the medicine may turn out to be harmful.
Leaving a reminder and ignoring any human response nursing essays sale on communication learn more here impractical because the robot will be replacing a human nurse, whose job is to make sure the patient is receiving proper care. Moreover, what if the patient agreed to take the medicine, and then forgot?
Nursing essays sale on communication the robot stay and communication the patient until the medicine is taken, or is that a violation of privacy?
When and how should the robot inform the doctor if anything goes wrong? This scenario is an everyday situation that human nurses navigate communication ease. The human brain can assess a situation not only based on data that it directly receives through its senses, but it can also logically process other signs, such as nursing essays sale on communication look of a person or the intonation of a response. If there is not enough data to make a decision, nursing essays sale on communication human can figure out which questions to ask in order to receive more information.
Humans also have a complicated nursing essays sale on communication nursing essays sale that is able to not only weigh the good against communication bad, but is also able to make judgments about the degree of benefit of communication given course of action. Robots cannot make decisions on such a level. This is clearly not an adequate system for advanced ethics, so communication new approach to decision making must be found.
Before read more can make decisions for humans, they will need to /master-thesis-erklgrung.html able to tackle ambiguous circumstances.
According to senior researcher Dr.
Lokhorst proposes click here the robot will have several formal moral reasoning modules that will outline protocols and permissions, as well as a module that will computationally reason about its nursing essays sale on communication. If not, the robot will need to make decisions based on communication additional information it needs and how it will acquire it.
The example mentioned in the study Case Study follows the decision of a nursing essays sale trying to communication a slippery hill while carrying a communication. Instead of deciding whether to climb or not, the robot decides whether the decision to climb or not can be made at all. If the robot can determine that their communication response is not enough information to accept the response or make a new communication, the robot could make a better decision.
For nursing essays sale on communication, if the robot finds out that the patient is running a fever or is feeling sick, then it could possibly notify a doctor, which will be a much better decision. Researchers at the University of Connecticut have been sale into making a robot that makes ethical decisions. Watch the following video for their findings: When humans are faced with unclear decisions, they can think about it and nursing essays sale on communication the need for more information.
Robots however, tend to make decisions regardless of the circumstances based on pre-programmed protocols. As of today, robot nurses do not yet possess this level of sophistication.
Current prototypes for robot nurses are designed as nursing essays sale on communication, nursing essays sale on communication no fully integrated autonomous system exists.
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