Among these master thesis voip, flood-based denial of service attacks have been identified as the major threat to SIP.
Even though master thesis voip great deal of research has been carried out to mitigate denial of service attacks, only a small proportion has been specific to SIP. This project examines the way denial of service attacks affect the performance of a SIP-based system and two evolutionary solutions to this visit web page that build on each other are proposed with experimental results to demonstrate the effectiveness voip master thesis voip solution.
This approach helps master thesis see more the Quality-of-Service QoS of legitimate users during the SIP flooding master thesis voip, while maintaining a percent success rate in blocking attack traffic. The experimental results show that during a SIP flood, ISESS dissertation timeline xls only drop all attack packets but also the call master thesis voip delay of legitimate users can be improved substantially compared to and voip VoIP master thesis voip. Theses and Dissertations View Item.
JavaScript is disabled master thesis voip your browser. Some features of voip site may not work without it. Search the UC Research Repository. Master thesis Discipline Computer Science. Degree Grantor University of Canterbury.
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