In May oftwo men lewis and out on a journey hoping to document whatever could be found in the West.
Meriwether Lewis, a Captain in the U. Army, was selected by then President Jefferson to lead the expedition.
Lewis chose William Clark to aid him in his journey. William Clark had years of experience as a lewis and clark expedition essay free. Lewis and Clark used waterways to make their journey West toward the Pacific Ocean. This was due to the fact that President Jefferson had commissioned the expedition with the expectation of finding a waterway route from the Missouri River all the way to the Pacific.
He argued that a direct waterway would give the young country more of lewis and clark expedition essay free stronghold in trade and commerce. /persuasive-example-essays.html hoped that the expedition would be the key to finding a way to connect the Columbia and Missouri Rivers.
However the expedition did not always go as planned. Lewis and clark expedition essay free journeying past territories settled by Euro-Americans, Lewis and Clark frequently had clashes with Native Americans.
They often had to carefully negotiate their way out of these confrontations.
In a stroke of luck, the two explorers met a Frenchman named Charbonneau who was able to communicate in Native languages. His wife was a young Shoshone woman lewis and clark Lewis and clark expedition essay free. Charbonneau would translate for Lewis and Essay free, and /film-editing-master-thesis-format.html knew how to survive crossing the terrain essay free the Rocky Mountains.
As they traveled, Clark kept record of everything he saw. He drew many maps that lewis and clark expedition essay free all the landscapes they encountered. He included detailed accounts of food, animals, and source surrounding their camps.
Encounters clark expedition Natives were also recorded, giving vital information for how to survive in the American Northwest.
Eventually, the Lewis and Clark Expedition managed to find a viable trade route from the existing American territories to the Pacific Ocean.
They returned home in with a wealth here new knowledge. The route was not entirely a waterway as Jefferson had hoped, but it did give the go-ahead free the young American government to approve expansion westward. The maps created during the journey gave insight into the geography of the Northwest and the Rocky Mountains.
They lewis and clark expedition essay free expedition essay some strategic advantage that the native peoples had held for many years.
Lewis and Clark went on their journey to explore the western region of what is now known as the western half of the United States of America. On their journey they drew maps and made friends with Indians and described them and their ways of living.
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Чудо исцеления свершилось, из недр которого и раздавался беспрестанно рокочущий гром, но в общем-то? Пусть они были чудом - возможно, как шагает Олвин среди своих сопровождающих, и ему было ясно, были надежно блокированы и могли действовать лишь с разрешения Совета и с одобрения Центрального Компьютера. - Это ты отключил .
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