List of candidates for admission to Pre Ph. Revised List of candidates for admission to Pre Ph. List of Examination Centres for Pre-Ph.
Important Notification regarding Pre. Entrance Exam Application Form.
List more info Not Eligible Candidates for Pre. Important Notification regarding revised date of submission of Ph.
Phd in law entrance exam 2015 Notification regarding allied subjects DET Important Notification and Application Form for Ph. List of candidates English with their new allotted supervisors View.
Extended Date of Ph.
Admission and information of students View Proforma. Phd in law entrance exam 2015 Data of Ph.
Economics - Supplimentry List View. Economics - Supplimentry List of Eligibility View. List of candidate transferred from GGU View. Format for Presentation by the candidate before D.
List of Research Centre's View. DRC of different subject View. Doctoral Entrance Test View. Important Notification regarding Remuneration View.
Teacher candidates teaching in Recognized Schools at the High School level situated within the jurisdiction of Pondicherry University and have put in at least 5 years of continuous teaching experience in the subject concerned. Non-teaching staff employed in a time scale of pay in this University and other affiliated research institutions provided that i the candidate has at least 10 years of work experience of which at least two years should be relevant to the field of research proof of which to be evidenced through two research papers published in standard journals OR ii the candidate has at least 5 years of work experience with M. Interdisciplinary research for such part-time internal candidates shall be allowed only with the approval of the Chairperson of the Academic Council.
Campus Placement of B. Result of post of Computer Appreciation and Application held on List of 24 S e l e c t e d Candidates Steno..
A good research work always aims at adding or contributing to knowledge and at the same time, discovers new facts and throws new light on old ones. Keeping the above views in mind, we offer excellent facilities and research training for motivated students and the expertise of our quality supervisory force in the diversified subjects i.
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