The Kerala University Library KULestablished inis the oldest and biggest university library in Kerala and is situated adjacent to the University Senate Hall campus here papers the Thiruvananthapuram city. It also help with economics papers kerala university digital information services such as UGC Infonet. Among its special collections, the Kerala Studies is a unique one.
The library is currently in the process of kerala university its rare collections.
The University in Travancore, founded in had at its disposal the Trivandrum Public Library until a separate library was started in the present Arts College building. Papers kerala university was soon shifted to the eastern side of university University College which was then under direct control of the Universityin The present economics papers kerala was constructed with UGC assistance of 10 lakhs and started functioning in September papers kerala university Isaac, a student of Prof.
Ranganathan, was help with as the Full time librarian in He continued to lead the library until when Sri K.
Prof Ranganathan's influence on the Kerala University Library is still extant in article source form of usage of colon system of cataloging devised by him. This service is intended for bringing together all the subscribed contents of the library before the users through a help with economics papers kerala university search window.
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