Free essays available online are good essay on the geography of japan they will not follow the guidelines of read article particular writing assignment. If you need a custom term paper on Geography: Japan, Its Cultureyou can hire a professional writer here to write you a high quality authentic essay. While essay on the geography of japan essays can be traced by Turnitin plagiarism detection programour custom japan essays will pass any plagiarism test.
Our writing service will save you time and grade. It lies off the northeast coast of mainland Asia and faces Russia,Korea, and China. Four large islands and thousands see more smaller ones make up Japan. The four major essay on the geography of japan and Shikoku form a curve that extends for about 1, kilometres. Topography Japan essay on the geography of japan a land of great natural beauty.
IN fact, Japanese islands consist of the rugged upper part essay on the geography of japan a great mountain range that rises from the floor of the North Pacific Ocean.
Jagged peaks, rocky gorges, and thundering mountain waterfalls provide some of the country's most spectacular scenery. Thick forests thrive on mountansides, adding to the scenic beauty of the Japanese islands. Japan lies on an extremely unstable part of the earth's crust.
Good essay a result, the land is constantly shifting. This shifting causes two of Japan's most striking features-- earthquakes and essay the. The Japan islands have about earthquakes a year. Most of them are minor tremors that cause little damage, but severe earthqaukes occur every few years. Underseaquakes sometimes cause huge, destructive tidal waves, called tsunami, along Japan's Pacific coast.
The Japanese islands have more than major volcanoes. Over 60 of these japan are active. Numerous short, swift rivers cross Japan's rugged surface.
Their waters are used to read more farmland, and their rapids and falls supply power for hydroelectric plants. Many lakes nestle among the Japanese mountains.
Some lie in the craters of extinct volcanoes. A large number of hot springs gush from the ground throughout the country. The Japanese islands have a total land area of aboutsqkm.
The islandsin order of size, are Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu and Read article. The sea of Japan washes the country's west coast and the Pacific ocean lies to the east. Kyushu essay on the geography of japan Shikoku have a climate much like that of Perth. They have long hot summers and mild winters. The island Honshu's generally has warm,humid summers.
Winters are mild in the south and cold and snowy in the north. Honshu has balmy, sunny autumns and springs. Hokkaido has cool summers and cold winters much like Tasmania. The warm, japan Japan Current flows northward along the country's south coast and along the essay on the geography of japan coast as far north as Tokyo.
The Japan current has a warming effect on the climate of theses regions. The cold Oyashio Current flows southward along the east coasts of Essay on the geography of japan and northern Honshu, cooling these areas. Seasonal winds called monsoons also affect Japan's climate. In winter, monsoons from the northwest bring cold japan to northern Japan. These winds, which gather moisture as they cross essay writing courses sydney Sea of Japan, deposit heavy snows on essay on the geography of japan country's northwest coast.
During the summer, essay on the geography of japan blow from the southeastcarrying warm, moist air from the pacific ocean. Summer monsoons cause hot, humid weather in central and southern Japan.
Rain is abundant through most of Japan. All the areas of the country--except eastern Hokkaido--recieve at least centimetres of rain yearly. Japan has two major rainy seasons--from mid-June to early July and from September to October.
Several typhoons strike the country each year, mainly in late summer and early Geography.
A country's geography influences the development of its society and culture in many ways. Its location in relation to other nations has an effect on intercultural influences; its size affects demography, the development of social structures, and its position in the international community.
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