AICPA Statement of Position SOPPersonal Financial Statements, addresses the preparation and presentation of personal financial statements, definition, more specifically, financial statements of individuals or groups personal finance related individuals i.
Specific purposes that might require the preparation of personal financial statements include the obtaining of credit, income tax planning, retirement personal finance statement, gift and estate planning, or the public disclosure of financial affairs.
This post provides a light overview of the personal financial statements.
Third-party recipients of personal financial statements use them in deciding whether to grant credit, in evaluating the financial condition of individuals, in assessing the financial affairs of public officials and candidates for public office, and for other purposes.
Personal definition of personal finance statement statements can be prepared for an individual, jointly for a husband and wife, or collectively definition of personal finance statement a family.
The accrual basis, rather than the cash basis definition of personal finance statement statement, is used in preparing personal financial statements. The presentation of personal financial statements does not require the classification of assets and liabilities as current and noncurrent.
Instead, assets and liabilities are presented in order of liquidity and maturity. In personal financial statement, assets are presented at their estimated current values.
This is defined by SOP as the amount at which the item could be exchanged between a buyer and a seller, assuming both parties definition of personal finance statement well informed, and neither party is compelled to buy or sell.
Disposal costs, if statement, are deducted to arrive at current values.
It is important statement note that this definition has not been amended to conform to the definition of fair value as set forth in ASC Furthermore, SOP specifically provides for adjustment definition of personal finance statement the current value of securities for the effects of transferability restrictions or the effects definition of personal finance statement the investor holding dissertation review youtube large block of securities blockage factor.
Adjustments for blockage factors are specifically prohibited by ASC A specialist may need to be consulted in the determination of the current value of certain types of assets e. Liabilities are presented at the lesser of the discounted amount of cash to be paid or the current cash settlement amount.
The discount continue reading should be the rate implicit in the transaction that gave statement to the liability.
If recent transactional information cannot be obtained, it is permissible to use other methods e. The methods used should be followed finance statement from period to period unless the facts and circumstances dictate a change to definition personal methods.
Income taxes payable are to include unpaid income taxes for completed tax years and the estimated amount for the statement portion of the current tax year. Additionallypersonal financial statements are required to include estimated income tax on the difference between the current value amount of assets liabilities and their definition of personal finance statement income tax bases as if they had been realized or liquidated.
An investment in a separate entity that is marketable as a going concern e.
If the investment is a limited business activity, not conducted in a separate legal personal finance statement, separate asset and liability amounts should be shown e. The possible valuation methods available are:.
Definition some cases it is appropriate to use a personal finance statement click the following article approaches to reasonably estimate the current value. The following definition are typically made in either the body of the financial statements or in the accompanying notes [This list is statement all-inclusive]:.
That assets are presented at their estimated current values statement liabilities are presented at their estimated current amounts. The methods used in determining the estimated current values of major definition personal and the estimated current amounts of finance statement liabilities or major categories of definition of personal finance statement and liabilities, and changes in methods from one period to the next.
If assets held jointly by the finance statement and by others included in the statements, the nature of the joint ownership. Unused operating loss and capital definition personal carryforwards and any other read more deductions or credits and, if applicable, the tax year in which they expire under the current income tax code, there will frequently be unused alternative minimum tax credit carryfowards.
The differences between the estimated current values of major assets and the estimated current amounts of major liabilities or categories of assets and liabilities and their tax bases.
Dictionary Term of the Day Articles Subjects. You're not signed up. Document or spreadsheet detailing assets and liabilities you personally have, without the inclusion of any business related assets or liabilities.
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