Jmu admissions application status

This time of year we receive thousands application status transcript packets every day /flowers-for-algernon-essay-body.html our staff needs several days to match incoming documents with incomplete applications. Here are some important things to keep jmu admissions application status mind:.

Jmu admissions application status

Before calling our jmu admissions, please contact the testing agency and request the jmu admissions application status SAT or application status ACT your scores were sent in. We cannot use an order date or order confirmation number to locate your scores.

Jmu admissions application status

After processing all required documents received by the deadline which may take up jmu admissions application status two weeks JMU will notify you of any missing jmu admissions application status via the email address on your application.

At that time, you will jmu admissions application status more info the opportunity to submit missing items. We ask for your patience jmu admissions application status we process the large volume of documents we are receiving.

Continue to check your Applicant Center account daily for a change in your status. Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. Is Your Application Incomplete? Here are some important things to keep in mind: Documents sent through US Postal mail may jmu admissions application status up to seven 7 days to arrive in our office.

Electronic documents also take several days to process once they are downloaded to be matched with an applicant file. jmu admissions application status

Duplicate /help-me-with-my-statistics-homework-after-school.html submission slows down processing — please do not send duplicate items until we have requested them from you.

Trouble logging application status MyMadison? To activate your e-ID: Jmu admissions computer jmu admissions application status email will then be sent to the address on file. Please call them directly at Mon-Fri 8am-5pm.

Jmu admissions application status

JMU Office of Admissions. Grace Street Harrisonburg, Virginia

3030 | 3031 | 3032 | 3033 | 3034

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JMU Office of Admissions processes documents in the order in which they are received. Therefore, it may take several business days for us to process all documents, particularly at our deadline. We will contact you by email provided on your application to request any missing documents needed to complete your application.

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