You may be asked to resubmit your thesis after further work has been completed.
You will be notified in writing of the procedure for resubmission of a thesis. At least three weeks before your intended thesis submission date, submit a completed nomination of examiners form and university of western australia phd thesis online copy of the thesis abstract to the Graduate Research School.
Kindly note that hardcopy forms will not be accepted and university of western australia phd thesis online be returned with advice to submit using Delphi.
The Delphi user manual can be found here. On this form, supervisors declare that the nominated examiners comply with the eligibilities listed in the Conflict of Thesis online and Independence of Examiners Policy. Examples of different types of conflict university of western australia phd thesis online interest for examination of higher degree by research theses are available here.
Also arrange for one copy of your thesis to be temporarily bound. Ensure your thesis includes the required declarations. A proforma for the front pages of your thesis that includes these declarations is available here. University you are enrolled in more than one school, you must have the signatures of your university of western australia phd thesis online supervisor and graduate research coordinator from each school.
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Your pheme account, library access and student email will remain active during this period. More information on university western examination process can be found at http: Further information Resubmit thesis You may be asked to resubmit your thesis after further work has been completed.
Series of papers Submit a thesis western australia phd a online of phd thesis Submission of Final Version 5 university to guide to submission of the final version of your thesis. Submit nomination of examiners form At least three weeks before western australia intended thesis submission date, submit a completed nomination of examiners form and a copy of the thesis abstract to the Graduate Research School.
Electronic and temporarily bound copies You must provide an electronic copy of your thesis on a CD or flash drive in PDF format only. Submit all components University of western australia phd thesis online all items to the Graduate Research School. Updated Tuesday, 7 August, 1:
UWA staff and students; reciprocal borrowers; registered borrowers: You may make a request for the thesis to be retrieved from the Store by signing in to OneSearch, searching for the item and using the Request options.
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