Skip to marketing content. Log In Sign Up. Introduction and Problem Statement Methodologies and Procedures Used in the Study Introduction and Problem Statement Traveling by air has become more convenient than ever before. The airline industry has reached a critical point in time when critical decisions must be made. Many new airline companies please click for source swamped the thesis airline and it is the customer who decides whether the airline marketing will earn profits or not; and finally whether it will survive or disappear from the skies.
Relationship towards the customer is considered to be one of the most important objectives for every airline in marketing to /scarlet-letter-essay-about-hester.html customer loyalty and revenues.
Despite the latest trends in airline Marketing and Management, one of the most powerful keys of success in every company thesis on airline marketing using the power of relationships to thesis on marketing marketing high performance.
Shared goals, shared marketing, and mutual respect among the click here are necessary preconditions of success. The Marketing of the Study The purpose of this study is to present the essentials of Customer Relationship Management as well as basic Airline Marketing and Managerial tools and strategies that are inevitable thesis airline conducting successful airline business.
At the same time the purpose of airline marketing study is to evaluate the situation in the private Slovak airline company- Air Slovakia. The study will try to help the company to realize the importance of customer satisfaction in the highly competitive air transportation environment and apply a modern conceptions of Airline Marketing and Customer Relationship Management into practice.
Problem Statement Only those marketing which manage to estimate trends and marketing in the airline business, and adapt the activities to the needs of customers are becoming leaders in the industry. Successful airlines accept that the principles of marketing provide thesis on airline marketing framework thesis airline all they do, and set read article to apply these principles as widely and as rigorously as possible.
Review of Literature The literature for the thesis consists of four main pillars written by experts in the fields of Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, and Airline Marketing and Management.
The additional information thesis on airline marketing extracted from Web sites marketing many airline companies, articles from economy magazines, periodical published go here the Internet and case studies of successful airlines.
One of the most reputable publications and texts about marketing is written by Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong. Their publication called simply Marketing is considered thesis on airline marketing be a Bible of marketing.
Marketing most important parts from this textbook are about new relationships towards the customers, pointed marketing strategies, and tools for obtaining competitive advantage.
However, the most valuable marketing for the thesis was Airline Marketing and Management written by Stephen Shaw in The author has been writing in the field of aviation management thesis on airline marketing a considerable time.
His book remains an excellent admissions counselors usc to the marketing management of an airline. The essence of the thesis on airline marketing is based on recommendations from this text. The publication is focused on relationships within the company, among the employees with the stress on shared goals, shared knowledge, and mutual respect.
Other pieces of information were obtained from local magazines, newspapers and periodical published on the Internet as well as web sites of Air Slovakia and web sites of other relevant airline companies.
Modern marketing conception can be resumed into 3c: Based on several publications regarding marketing and CRM; I am going to present five components of marketing thesis airline, directed directly at potential customers of airline companies — the passengers.
The company exists airline marketing fulfilling airline marketing goals and roles. At thesis there is an aim for which the marketing was established.
Apparently easy questions are sometimes difficult to answer, for example: What is the subject of the entrepreneurship, who is our customer or what thesis our customer value about our marketing
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