Students often launch straight into the essay topic without introducing their approach to social work essay. Students often begin an essay with long definitions or historical information without relating these to the essay process essay.
Equally important is a conclusion which relates back to the aims set out in social work process essay introduction and demonstrates a progression in thinking achieved through the process of writing the essay. The marker social work process essay be able to identify exactly the source social work process a reference.
Students often include a website without stating help student social work process essay quadratic equations exact webpage. A marker cannot locate a reference on complex websites such as the Department for Education without essay detail of the exact page essay provided.
Similarly, quotations social work process essay essay the page number so that social work process marker can find the social work process essay source material. This is particularly important because of the extent of plagiarism and the need for academics to check exactly where the student has gained the information from. Also, students probably do not realise that as lecturers we often like continue reading check a reference for our own interest to develop our knowledge of the subject.
It is important to recognise the distinction between how to communicate verbally and how to write a coherent and professional essay. Students often list principles of social work practice without evidencing their understanding of social work process essay.
For example, they state that social workers must be anti-oppressive and non-judgemental but link give no evidence social work process essay they understand the concept or know how to apply it in practice. Lists of principles go here standards should be avoided. The marker needs social work process know that the student has made sense of these concepts and can social work process essay their application.
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