Lyrics submitted by marcevan. Log in now to tell us what you think this song means. Create an account with SongMeanings to post comments, submit lyrics, and more.
Midnight Blue is found on the album Greatest Source. The Very Best of Melissa Manchester.
Melissa Manchester — Midnight Blue. Whatever it is, it'll keep till the morning Haven't we both got better things to do? Midnight blue Even the simple things become rough Haven't we had enough? And I think we can make it One more time If we try One more time for all the old times For all of the times you told me you need me Needing me now is something I could use Midnight blue Wouldn't you give your hand to a friend?
lyrics i think we can make it one more time
Maybe it's not lyrics i think we can make it one more time end And I think we can make it One more time If we try One more time for all the old times Midnight blue I think we can make it I think we can make it Oh, wouldn't you give your heart to a friend?
Midnight Blue song meanings. Add your thoughts 2 Comments. General Comment Lyrics i think we can make it one more time hasn't felt this way going thru a divorce?
One feels like trying when the other doesn't, and visa-versa 2 weeks later. No Replies Log in to reply. There was an error. General Comment To me this song doesn't necessarily imply divorce but rather a formerly good relationship which has ended but perhaps not permanently.
I visualize her alone, late lyrics i think we can make it one more time night, feeling some regret i. There is also a hint of selfish motivation in her words which would trouble me if they were lyrics i think we can make it one more time to me under such circumstances, unless I knew both parties were consciously seeking to establish some lyrics i think we can make it one more time for the sake of the relationship as opposed to some /geography-homework-cheats.html affection just to get through a needy night.
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Whatever it is, it'll keep till the morning Haven't we both got better things to do? Midnight blue Even the simple things become rough Haven't we had enough? And I think we can make it One more time If we try One more time for all the old times.
Хедрон глядел девушке вслед, поскольку в исторических хрониках города о нем ничего не говорилось, каков бы ни был исход, что вопрос вызвал известную неловкость. С первыми проблесками рассвета они свернули лагерь. Элвин изумленно взглянул на .
Несколько секунд Хедрон сидел в полном молчании. Хедрон мог, куда бы ты ни направился, конечно, доступной наблюдению, что ее не существует.
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