The following is a copy of a successful application to the Ph.
Louis, Missouri, with a degree in English. I wish to study American literature and culture, phd english statement of purpose fiction and non-fiction /high-quality-paper-hand-towels-reviews.html of the late nineteenth and purpose phd english statement of purpose. My career goal is to teach at the university level and purpose the purpose between literature and culture.
Writers and politicians who would attempt to lead Americans to a sense of national identity must do so tentatively, respectful of the individualistic spirit that resists grouping unless assured the right to withdraw purpose any association that unduly infringes on self-determination.
Technological advances in the late nineteenth and early twentieth statement reordered society in ways that threatened this individualism, which had drawn Americans together within a sense of shared independence. Industrialization stimulated urbanization, with people coming closer to each other and to their machines in an uneasy relationship that strained continue reading boundaries between public and private life. The literary project of capturing the American spirit, as attempted by Walt Whitman, purpose contended with depersonalized systems of mass production and commerce that dimmed the prospects of self-autonomy.
The conceptual geography of America, originally considered by the settlers as the promised "New Eden," was remapped as here land whose riches would be reaped in the cities and factories.
Phd english concentrated populations, seeking a return to the possibilities of frontier individualism, traversed the country at higher speeds and communicated at farther distances. As the tools of human progress facilitated contact, people were least in touch with their country and each other.
The Naturalist movement purpose the self as an animal-machine, living in the greater machine of human society. The dreary fiction of Frank Norris exhibits humanity deprived of its rationality, as with McTeague, whose inner mechanics chart the course of his downfall, while Upton Sinclair exposes the savagery of the overreaching societal jungle that ensnares its citizens like caged animals. This vision of a dispirited America applies well to /do-my-book-report-is-dead.html present era, in /streetcar-named-desire-new-orleans.html no clear sense of Phd english statement of purpose identity exists apart from the computers and circuitry that carry us and our meanings.
Rather than advance understanding, tools of creation and communication, when relied on too heavily, can degenerate human reasoning to the irrationality of instinct and mechanism. Consequently, we often look phd english statement of purpose the machine to show us the next step, rather than redesign the wheel that no longer turns.
Statement purpose ways in statement humanity's creations, mechanical and conceptual, both empower and govern their makers is phd english statement central importance to me. I have witnessed attempts to bring people closer together through electronic communications as direct as they are distant, just as I have read literary works far removed from the problems within the world of their origin.
In dealing with writers who describe the predicament of the individual in phd english specific time and place, I wish to evaluate the historical and social contexts of language that affect both culture and literature. /lyx-layout-phd-thesis.html a purpose of self-creation, purpose purpose serves as the provider of meaning, such that the literature in a time just click for source phd english bears special importance.
Ours is a time of crisis, Purpose believe, and looking at past writers' attempts to speak to their times will help us address ours. I see my undertaking as a lifetime commitment to study, teach, and participate in the creation of our culture.
VerbalPurposeAnalytical Phd english statement submitted "Dickinson's Phd english statement of purpose of Language" as the second of two major papers for the graduate seminar on Whitman and Dickinson that I phd english statement this past fall semester. The course was a graduate English seminar that I received permission to enroll in as part of my part-time Master's work in American Just click for source Studies.
I regret that I do not currently have the submitted copy, but would supply you with it if necessary, as soon as it is available to me.
Desire often impels the individual statement reach beyond his or her designated position in society. The nature of desire phd english statement of purpose such that it often sets its sights on the unattainable. For better or worse, this was the case for Emily Dickinson.
The privation of her private life, and her unfulfilled desire, have long been the purpose of public inquiry. Phd english statement of purpose quality of her art has often been used as a deductive gauge to measure the depth of her desire. Those who endure long suffering necessarily adopt ways to deal with their pain, the greater the pain, the more elaborate the remedy. In her letters to the purpose Dickinson reveals the reality of her desire, phd english statement of purpose her poetry transforms her pain and self.
Dickinson's efforts illustrate the workings of her interior life, but do not fully disclose the mystery at the core of her phd english statement of purpose. In the words read more the biographer Richard Purpose, "Central to this mystery certainly central to the biographer was the mystery of herself.
Dickinson's enduring privacy was formulated from desire and a retreat from it.
In these motions, her words reveal while they conceal. Some critical inquiry phd english statement of purpose focused on determining the identity of Dickinson's "Master," as addressed by her in three letters and made subject in numerous poems.
Biographers and biographical critics have not reached a definitive purpose. The editor of Dickinson's Letters, Thomas Johnson, prefers Wadsworth over Bowles, because of religious vocabulary employed by Dickinson.
Vivian Pollak considers the merits of both as the potential beloved, concluding that the identity of the lover is purpose as click the following purpose as his function to Dickinson as a psychological father figure, which would be better represented in the elder, more distant Wadsworth.
Judith Farr asserts that it is Bowles's very engagement in Dickinson's life that inspired her to the heights of her passion. With an abundance of yet inconclusive evidence, many critics heed Sewall's observation, phd english statement "she may have been talking to herself," in discussing Dickinson's relationship to the Master Sewall, It is Dickinson's personal purpose in the Master as beloved, and the subsequent critical investigation into the Master read more her muse, that I wish to discuss.
In her essay "Emily Dickinson and the Economics of Desire," Joan Burbick elaborates upon purpose stages of desire that may illuminate Dickinson's attitude toward her "Master," and draw together some elements from each of these critics' understandings phd english statement the Master as an opening into Dickinson's mystery. In Dickinson's Victorian era, there was purpose a need, to control more strongly the desires of the body, Burbick explains. The Great Awakening phd english spiritual transcendence purpose the click to see more, concern focusing on the female body purpose the phd english statement obstacle to this end.
Although temptation might be considered to rest in either the one who purpose tempted, or the tempter, women were considered on all accounts to embody the phd english statement of purpose dangerous energies that would hinder transcendence, their own and /buy-academic-papers-samples.html of men.
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