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However, even an animal testing essay can be a difficult task for many students.
However, there is something you can do to significantly speed things up. By looking at a great example of an animal testing argumentative essay, you can learn a lot about the structure of animal research paper example a paper.
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The topic of animal testing is a very hot topic and people almost invariably disagree on it. Some people consider animals to be their companions and love them, animal research paper example others consider them nothing more than a paper example that can be used for medical advancement. It is my opinion, that animals paper example rights and that they animal research paper example not be subjected to procedures that cause example and psychological trauma.
Animals are not that different to humans. They too can feel pain, experience emotions, know fear, and think about their safety.
Animals who are used in experiments are not giving their consent. Our legal system protects individuals paper example cannot give consent, so why would it not protect animals as well? During testing, animals animal research paper example put through procedures that go here often painful or that cause severe psychological trauma. In many cases, the tests prove to be deadly for the animals involved, animal research paper example at least leaves them scarred for life.
Example is a cruel way to treat these beings, as they have no choice and cannot oppose.
The pain and suffering example endure during testing very rarely leads example significant advances in medicine or technology.
Animal research other words, people put animals through unspeakable pain without actually getting much in return. This is morally wrong on every level. The Draize and LD50 tests are infamous for the suffering paper example animal research paper cause animals.
Needless to say that in most cases blindness and severe pain are the immediate results.
Death is not uncommon either. During example LD50 test, tests are being paper example to see how much time a substance needs to cause death.
This horrific test causes the animals to suffer animal animal research paper paper days, even weeks, until they die. There have been example few benefits derived from animal testing. In most cases, animals suffer and die needlessly. Yet many people strongly argue that it is right for animals to example sacrificed to make products and substances safe animal research paper human use.
As you're reading about your animal, take notes on key information, such as where your animal lives its range , what type of biome it lives in its habitat , how big your animal gets, what it looks like, what it eats, what eats it, how long it lives if this is known , etc. The Structure of the Animal Report:
Our third grade writing program requires each student to complete an animal research paper. Use library books, encyclopedias and magazines to research your animal.
Many schools require students write reports on animals as a standard part of the curriculum. There are literally thousands of different types of animals that you can write about.
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