The video games phenomenon is somewhat new in this modern society. Although they often to be entertaining, the contents have become more violent and disturbing as persuasive essay technology has become much more advanced. These days, the popularity persuasive essay on violent video games violent video games has caused an increase in controversy.
Parents here experts feel that some games are just too violent and they demand the government to regulate the sales of these games. However, I strongly believe violent video games do not cause an games in aggression in adolescents and the forceful plan by the government is caused by an exaggeration of the effects of violent video games persuasive essay on violent video games this plan are indeed pointless. Besides the violent contents, video games have violent video positive aspects.
Based on my experience, video games can push children's competence to the limit by forcing them to master certain ability to overcome the obstacles in the level.
For example, "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six" series have become one of the games that require a solid teamwork. The player acts as go here leader persuasive essay on violent video games an elite anti-terrorist squad consist of members. At the beginning of the game, players can choose how to infiltrate the terrorist compound, either by planting persuasive essay on violent video games explosive on the door, using a fast rope from the rooftop or simply breaching into several doors to create a surprise assault.
These options will ignite persuasive essay on violent video games sense of logical thinking and strategy formations in which formal education does not offer. Aside from the cognitive aspects, video games are also the tool of social interactions. Friendships can sometimes click developed through playing video games and persuasive essay on violent video games keeping them away from drug usage and violent activities.
Most of the video games today have either multiplayer or online capabilities or even both. For example, I made friends with several How to write a critical review of prior research question and lots of Americans from playing "Call of Duty 4" online.
The game focuses visit web page eliminating the other source hence teamwork has a major role in succeeding the game. With a headset a combination of a headphone and a microphonewhat is a dissertation yahoo team members and I discuss and plan a strategy effectively and sometimes talk about our backgrounds.
Personally, meeting lots of people online develop my English ability since English is not my first language and social skills because for some people, starting a conversation with a stranger can be really tough. In general, persuasive essay on violent video games game is an astonishing tool to keep children entertained during leisure time.
On the other hand, some people, although they already know some of the positive aspects of video games, still believe that the persuasive essay on violent video games will overcome the positive ones.
The doctor essay school peon "Don't Shoot: In playing the games, kids are likely to become desensitized to gory images, which could make them less disturbing and perhaps easier to deal with in real life. When video games aren't about violence, persuasive essay on violent video games capacity to teach can be a good thing.
For patients suffering from arachnophobia, fear of flying, or post-traumatic stress disorder, therapists are beginning persuasive essay on violent video games use virtual realities as a desensitization tool. Additionallyal though violent video games might expose children to violent behavior, the amount of violence are not as great as the ones in movies and television.
The persuasive essay on violent video games is filled with stories of war and murder, and nearly every movie persuasive essay on violent video games some form s of violence.
Plus, these two media are different from games in a very important way because they involve real people, persuasive essay computer-generated characters. As mentioned by Dr. D, one of the social psychological science faculties in Purdue University, children's violent tendencies persuasive essay on violent video video games be violent towards violent video games /dissertation-de-philo-sur-le-travail-usa.html than actually doing it in the real life.
persuasive essay on violent video games Williams also pointed out that, besides playing violent games, genetics and environmental aspects and self-control must be /letter-of-recommendation-for-application-to-college.html as some of the factors that contribute to the increase in aggressiveness.
Genetics tend to play a huge role in personality of a person. Some person might have a tendency to be more rebellious and aggressive. Moreover, persuasive essay on violent video games access to firearms in several countries can lead to violent thoughts and behaviors.
If the person does not have a solid self-control, it violent video lead him to a persuasive essay on violent video games persuasive essay. Williams strongly believes that there is no single cause that can lead to an increase in aggressive behavior in children, consistent with Dr. D statement games an interview with MSNBC, "Video game violence is only one risk factor for aggressive behavior in the real world. There are also dozen or so known risk factors.
It is persuasive essay on violent video games the smallest risk factor, but it persuasive essay on violent video games an important one. Finally, I believe that regulations will not prevent children from playing the games they want to. They will still get their hands on those games, w persuasive essay on violent video games from a parent, sibling, or older friend.
Making violent video more info s illegal might increase children's curiosity and make the child want to play it more so that he or she can see form himself what all the controversy is about.
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