Organizational culture and relationship marketing: This paper aimed to analyze the contribution of interorganizational relationships, specifically paper de marketing de relacionamento suppliers and clients, to organizational /how-to-do-a-narrative-essay-xat.html changes. A qualitative multiple case study in two marketing channels was performed, through in-depth interviews, observation and data analysis based on grounded theory.
The contribution of trust, commitment, cooperation and learning processes has been identified in the paper de marketing de relacionamento cultural changes and in the reduction of the role conflicts of the boundary spanners. Also, the role of employee turnover to weaken these dimensions /college-application-letter-uk.html respective relations has been noticed.
The development of an interorganizational paper de marketing de relacionamento has been evidenced, as a system of symbols and meanings shared by groups or individuals from different organizations, on a transitional basis, with the predominance of the cultural perspective of fragmentation.
It is paper marketing culture originated from relationships through intersections paper de marketing de relacionamento cultures, a paper de marketing de relacionamento of relacionamento.
Organizational culture; relationship marketing; cultural perspectives; interorganizational relationships; interorganizational culture. Services on Demand Journal. How to cite this article.
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