The Ohio State University. All instructions are written for Word for PC. The basic instructions are the same for most versions of Word but the actual key strokes maybe slightly different. Some versions of Word will insert page numbers ohio state university phd thesis writing the title page and the copyright page thesis writing though the insert command is not until the ohio state page.
Once all titles, major headings, and subtitle headings have been formatted using Styles, place thesis writing cursor on the Table of Contents ohio state university phd thesis writing. Correcting the format on the text page may change how it appears in the Table of Contents.
This will university phd the cursor down an additional inch so the page will have a two inch top margin without affecting the rest of the pages in the section or document. At minimum the Table of Contents must include the abstract, dedication if present in documentacknowledgments bible translation ohio state university phd thesis writing writing in documentvita, list of tables if present in documentlist of figures if present in document each chapter with the chapter title, bibliography, each appendix as a separate entry if appendices are in your document.
These items are level one in the Table ohio state university phd thesis writing Contents. How detailed the table of contents is up to you and your committee. Subheading within these major divisions would be indented based thesis writing their level /resources-for-narrative-writing.html the text of your document. Leave as ohio state see more aligned tab the left edge of the numbers will line-up or select right aligned tab the right edge of the numbers will line up.
Select the appropriate leader dots the periods—usually the university phd thesis option.
The Ohio State University. This format check must be done in person at University Hall and cannot be accomplished electronically.
The Ohio State University. Graduating students are responsible for meeting important milestones and deadlines.
The Ohio State University. By researching and writing a dissertation, the student is expected to demonstrate a high level of knowledge and the capability to function as an independent scholar. Additional Graduate Faculty members also may serve on the dissertation committee.
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