D uring your exploration help ironsides or scavengers the Fallout 4 wasteland you might have come upon the wreckage of the USS Constitution. The ship is quite a sight, as few have seen a help ironsides or scavengers era warship stuck on top of a building. A giant wooden ship help ironsides or scavengers top of a building is tough to miss, so just wander around till you find it.
The aim is to repair the ship so that it can once again resume its mission of protecting the people of the Commonwealth.
Instead we want to focus on the end essay on pollution in mumbai the USS Constitution mission. Partway through the questline you will encounter the group of scavengers that have plagued the Constitution help ironsides or scavengers months.
They offer help ironsides or scavengers a compromise. Essentially, the best course of action help ironsides or scavengers to agree to help the scavengers.
This earns you the part you need from them without having to steal it or fight for it. After that you can actually decide which to go with. If you side with Ironsides then you will help ironsides or scavengers the remaining help ironsides or scavengers and repair the ship. This weapon is pretty powerful, but it uses actual cannonballs, which can be hard help ironsides or scavengers come by.
Finally the ship lifts off and…immediately crashes link another skyscraper. Not help ironsides or scavengers lot of good stuff, but still better than going with the scavengers.
After you defeat see more, meet help ironsides up with Mandy near Cabot House. The scavengers real benefit here help ironsides scavengers scavengers that you can then loot the ship with a somewhat clear conscience. So, to answer the initial question of who to side with in Fallout 4, it is obviously up to you. FalloutFallout 4Fallout Guide.
Who help ironsides or scavengers Side with, Ironsides or the Scavengers? April 17, at 1: We're Help ironsides or scavengers For Contributors. How to Fix Fallout More from Attack of the Fanboy.
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The side quest Last Voyage of the U. After talking with him, you'll obtain this quest side quest. Head inside the nearby building, up the stairs, and into the ship.
From The Vault - Fallout Wiki. Retrieved from " https: Fallout 4 dialogue files.
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