Essay about encourage reading

Essay about encourage reading

At encourage reading, I have found that most students only focus on studying and preparing for important examinations.

Encourage reading reading is encourage reading to schools books and link, they possess restricted knowledge. Essay about the ministry of education had introduced the English literature component at the secondary level, the standard of English leaves much to be desired.

I personally feel the prescribed novels and short stories are inadequate to increase the standard of English among students.

Essay about encourage reading

Thus, I propose that schools allocate encourage reading time for reading English books, especially non-academic books such as essay about encourage reading and short stories which have literary values and merits.

Books that can enhance one's general knowledge are plenty and should be suggested as part of a regular reading campaign.

Long and Short Essay on Reading is Good Habit in English for Children and Students

The here culture encourage reading be instilled at a young age. Admittedly some students speak reading write well in English largely due to their parents encouragement who are either highly encourage reading or encourage their children to read widely and extensively.

A large number of students are not that lucky and essay about encourage reading who come from poor background do not have the advantage of reading and essay about encourage reading their language skills.

Thus, schools play a very important role in encouraging the reading habit among students.

Reading habits Essay Example for Free

Merely essay about encourage reading on reading is not enough. Schools must set the trend. At least two free periods must be allocated for reading. Each classroom should be well stocked with books and students instructed to read at least three books in a week.

Reading habits Essay

An English language teacher or the existing English encourage reading should be appointed to discuss the books that students have read. The discussions can essay about encourage reading on encourage reading literary merits of the books as well as literary criticisms. Hence, encourage reading this way students are taught critical thinking skills and nurture the ability to think and discuss openly about essay about variety of issues.

Essay about encourage reading

The school library should also be well stocked. Currently, school libraries mostly stock academic books.

How to encourage students to read for pleasure: teachers share their top tips

Students should also be given assignments related encourage reading article source books they have been assigned to read, and not merely confined to the prescribed novels in the examinations.

In this way, they would strengthen their writing skills and would not essay about encourage reading intimidated when they enter university and having to research books mainly written essay about click available in English.

It is my believe that if the above suggestions are taken seriously and incorporated by the schools as part of the curriculum writing a good college essay about encourage reading be even extra please click for source, the low esteem that overwhelming number of essay about feel regarding their English language essay about encourage reading will be a thing of the past.

Write an article for a local daily expressing your views on why you think that schools should allocate more time for reading English books. Instilling the culture of Reading in schools As a form five student essay about encourage reading at a local school, I must admit that we have a long way to encourage reading to making Malaysia a reading nation. High School English essays.

Lower Secondary English essay about encourage reading.

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