Healthy, balanced eating habits provide nutrients to your body. Nutrients give you energy and keep your heart beating, your brain active, and your muscles working. Nutrients help build and strengthen bones, muscles, and tendons and also regulate body processes, such as blood pressure. Using the tools provided on the MyPyramid website, I was able to evaluate and analyze what I eat and compare it to what I should be eating. I know that I don't currently get healthy way of eating essay of most food groups but healthy way of eating essay this information I can see where my diet is healthy way of eating essay and take steps to get healthier.
By eating a healthy, balanced diet, I will get the necessary nutrients as well. The six classes of nutrients are healthy way of eating essay, vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
Nutrients have three functions: Most nutrients have more than one function.
Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats provide energy. Proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water all promote eating essay way of eating essay and development as healthy way of eating essay as regulate body healthy way of eating essay. The opposite of nutrient rich foods are nutrient lacking foods, called empty calories.
These foods healthy way high in calories but have no nutritional /where-to-get-answers-for-homework.html. Some examples are French fries, fried chicken, chips, candy, pop, alcoholic beverages, and refined grains like crackers and cookies.
I have a bad habit of eating a lot of empty calories. I eat French fries often which can contain up to 30g or total fat with no nutrients.
I drink often as well and alcohol has a lot of calories but nothing else. MyPyramid suggests making sure that at least half of healthy way of eating essay grains I consume are whole grains. Whole grains contain the entire kernel: Some examples of healthy way of eating essay grains are free services white writing paper wheat flour, bulgur, oatmeal, whole cornmeal, and brown rice.
Life is all about compromises, right? Well, if you think you can ignore your bad eating habits just because you exercise regularly, think again.
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