If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. Anti-Federalists and Brutus No. Government power and individual rights: Government power and individual rights. Federalist paper number 10 definition transcript - federalist paper number 10 definition In other videos we have talked about how ratification of the US Constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation was not a slam dunk.
After the Constitution was drafted during definition Constitutional Convention in midyou actually have a significant group of people who are against the ratification.
Definition we study some of their definition in another video on the anti-Federalist Papers, in particular on Brutus I, which federalist paper number 10 definition the most prominent of them. In this video we're gonna focus on the other side, on the folks who are aggressively advocating for ratification of the Constitution.
Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay were some of the most prominent of federalist paper and they were the ones that wrote the Federalist Federalist paper number that were focused federalist paper number 10 definition convincing everyone to adopt the Constitution. And what we're going to look at in this video is, perhaps, the most famous of the Federalist Papers, this is Federalist number Or at least an excerpt read more Federalist number 10 that we're going to federalist paper number 10 definition at right over here.
It was number definition November 23, And if you remember the video on Brutus I this is only a few weeks after Brutus I, which is now considered a famous anti-Federalist Paper was published. So it's right in this time number right over here where people are going back and forth deciding, do we ratify this constitution?
And James Madison published under the pen name Publius. And Publius is making reference to number definition of the ancient Federalist paper aristocrats who overthrew the Roman kingdom in the late sixth century to establish the Roman Republic. So one way to federalist paper about it is he federalist paper number 10 definition viewing himself definition the other Federalists as trying to establish a strong republic.
This definition in comparison to Brutus, which we see as the pen name for some of the federalist paper number anti-Federalist Papers, and Brutus played a significant role in the assassination of Julius Caesar to keep him from corrupting the republic, ending the number definition and turning it into an empire.
But now let's read this excerpt of Federalist number Click as I read this keep in mind some of these ideas, these federalist paper number 10 definition of democracy that we have talked about in federalist paper number 10 definition paper on depression. Does Madison, in Federalist number 10, does he seem pro-participatory definition or anti-participatory democracy?
Does federalist paper number seem to think that pluralism is a good idea or a bad idea? And is he more pro elite democracy or anti-elites running a democracy?
This problem of faction, this problem of majority rule overrunning minorities or the rights of the minorities. Right, he doesn't think too highly of them.
He says, "Look, a majority definition going to take over "and they're going to trample over definition rights of "everyone else. Here Madison is claiming that a republic definition better at ruling over a greater sphere of country, over a greater number of citizens. Where you definition a limited number of people who are really participating and he's making the argument that they might be better at representing the needs of the people than the people themselves.
Federalist paper number again, he wants people who he considers to be elite in some way.
Published on November 22, under the name "Publius", Federalist No. Madison saw factions as inevitable due to the nature of man — that is, as long as men hold differing opinions, have differing amounts of wealth and own differing amount of property, they will continue to form alliances with people who are most similar to them and they will sometimes work against the public interest and infringe upon the rights of others. He thus questions how to guard against those dangers.
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