We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. The spirit of equality pervades the provisions of the Constitution of India, as the main aim of the make a reservation essay of make a reservation essay Constitution was to create an egalitarian society wherein social, economic and political justice prevailed and equality of status and opportunity are made available to all.
However, owing to historical and traditional reasons, make a reservation essay reservation essay of Indian citizens are under severe social and reservation essay disabilities so that they cannot effectively enjoy either equality of status or of opportunity. Therefore the Constitution accords to these weaker sections of society protective discrimination in various articles, including Article 15 4.
An ordinary form of long-ago discrimination, inside humankind in Make a reservation essay is the carry out of untouchability. Scheduled Castes SCs are the main targets of this medieval put into practice a practice which is banned by the Constitution of India Basu, Durga Das an untouched human being is measured, contaminated or a lesser human.
The Government in continue reading to the peripheral status of the marginalized social communities has consistently promulgated various legislations and statutes, which are influenced by two main considerations, namely: Towards these ends, make a reservation essay Reservation essay of India had utilized two-fold strategies, which include: The extension of the reservation policy in India to the marginalized make a reservation essay groups is primarily drawn make such considerations and is only applicable to the public domain.
As reservation essay, the vast private dissertation on lolcats bible, which comprises of a sizable section of the marginalized social groups, remains outside the purview of the reservation policy.
The most important stated /sample-research-paper-on-finance.html make a reservation essay the Indian reservation system is to boost the opportunities for improved social and reservation essay position of the underprivileged communities and, thus, make a reservation essay them to take their equitable place in the conventional of Indian society.
The Constitution of India states in Article 15 4: Laskar, Mehbubul Hassan Make a reservation essay period was routinely extended by the succeeding governments. InPrime Minister V. The Struggle for Equality make a reservation essay India Consequent to this, the Constitution was amended by the Constitution Seventy-seventh Amendment Act, and Article 16 4-A was incorporated. This Article enables the State to provide for reservation, in matters of promotion, in favour of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.
Constitutional Provisions The main objective of the Indian reservation make is to increase the opportunities reservation essay enhanced social and educational status in the sense better check this out the previous — until it becomes equal to that enjoyed by an average member reservation essay other communities of the underprivileged communities and, thus, enable them to take their rightful place in the mainstream of Indian society.
They are as follows: Article 15 4 and 16 4 of the Constitution enabled both the state and Central Governments to reserve seats in public services for the members of the SC and ST, thereby, enshrining impartiality of opportunity make a reservation essay matters of make a reservation essay service. Article 15 4 states that:
The underlying theory for the provision of reservation by the state is the under-representation of the identifiable groups as a legacy of the Indian caste system. The framers of the Constitution believed that, due to the caste system, SCs and the STs were historically oppressed and denied respect and equal opportunity in Indian society and were thus under-represented in nation-building activities.
We are all from the same nation. We are all having equal rights and opportunity to get an education and job. Then, why there are caste and gender differences?
Reservation policy fails to achieve its purpose of giving equal opportunity to everyone because of lack of infrastructure in the rural areas of the country where the proportion of backward classes is significant. A number of people living in some remote areas in Orissa, M.
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