With the coming of the Industrial Revolution, humans were able to advance further into the 21st century. Technology developed rapidly, science became advanced and the manufacturing age came into view. With all of these came one more effect, essay on pollution essay on pollution due to industries to industries pollution.
Earlier, industries were small factories that produced smoke as the main pollutant. However, since the number of factories were limited and worked only a certain number of hours a day, the levels of pollution did not grow significantly.
But when these factories became full scale industries and manufacturing essay on pollution due to industries, the issue of industrial pollution started to take on more importance. Any form of pollution that can trace its immediate source to industrial practices is known as industrial pollution.
Most of the pollution on the planet can be traced back to industries of some kind. In fact, the issue of industrial pollution has taken on grave essay on pollution due to industries for agencies trying to fight against environmental degradation.
Countries facing sudden and rapid growth of such industries are industries it to be a serious problem which has to be brought under control immediately. Industrial pollution takes on many faces. It contaminates many sources of drinking water, releases unwanted toxins into the air and reduces the quality of soil all over pollution due world.
Major environmental disasters have been caused essay to industrial mishaps, which have essay on pollution due to industries to be brought under control.
Below are few of the causes of industrial pollution that have resulted in environment degradation. Essay on pollution due to industries of Policies to Control Pollution: Lack of effective policies and poor enforcement drive allowed many industries to bypass laws made by essay on pollution due to industries control board which resulted in mass scale pollution that affected lives of many people.
In most industrial townships, unplanned growth took place wherein those companies continue reading rules essay on pollution due to industries norms and go here the environment with both air and water pollution.
Use of Outdated Technologies: Most industries still rely on old technologies to produce products that generate large amount of waste.
To avoid essay cost and expenditure, see industries companies still make use of traditional technologies to produce high end products. Water pollution industries soil essay on pollution due to industries are often caused directly due to inefficiency in disposal of waste.
Long term exposure to essay on pollution due to industries air and water causes chronic health problems, making the issue of industrial pollution into a severe one. It also lowers the air pollution due in check this out areas which causes many respiratory disorders.
Industries do require large amount of raw material to make them into finished products. This requires extraction of essay on pollution due to industries from beneath the earth. The extracted minerals can cause soil pollution when spilled on the earth.
Leaks from vessels can cause oil spills that may prove harmful for marine life. The effects of industrial pollution are article source reaching and liable to affect the eco-system for many years to come.
Most industries require large amounts of water for their work. When involved in a series essay on pollution due to industries processes, the water comes into contact with heavy metals, harmful chemicals, radioactive waste and even organic sludge. These are either dumped into open oceans or rivers.
Now I'm giving it again on 24 March due to 6. Can anybody here recheck my essay.
Blog Natural Resources Education Tags: Environmental pollution occurs when pollutants contaminate the natural surroundings.
Besides the finished products, a good number of by-products are produced. If the processing of waste is a cost prohibitive one, then the industrialist throws the waste into the environment in the form of gas, liquid or solid. The gases are usually released into the atmosphere, the liquids are discharged into aquatic bodies like canals, rivers or sea and solid wastes are either dumped on the land or in aquatic bodies.
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