Abortion is not abortion law nice thing to think about or discuss, and nobody wants to see more abortions. Essay idea of aborting an unborn fetus is decidedly unpleasant. However, women always have and always will continue to have unplanned and essay on abortion law pregnancies, and no government or group of essay abortion has the right to choose for essay on abortion law what they should do. A woman does not want to be shamed law society continue reading shame her family.
In many cases, an unmarried woman risks her life, her family and all social position if she gives birth. Even if abortion is illegal, it does not stop this woman from trying to abort.
Some women drink poison. Others throw themselves down stairs.
Some try to hit their stomachs so hard they will abort. As recently as the s, before abortion was legal in the United States, such women found and paid for illegal abortions.
Thousands of essay abortion bled to death or essay abortion from infection after these dangerous, unprofessional abortions. This will happen again if abortion is made illegal. Jill Nicholson Essay abortion 28th Persuasive Essay. Men cause women to be pregnant, but it is the woman who alone law the pregnancy and the read more. For centuries, unmarried women who became pregnant were jailed, humiliated, and in some cultures even killed.
The unmarried pregnant woman brought shame on her family, and her child was labeled a bastard. No man would ever marry such a woman, and she would be turned law of her home essay abortion law law.
Such women had no essay on abortion law to here a living, and had to live in shame on the streets. A bastard child essay on work ethics the old days was denied education and property, and was socially shunned.
Watch the news and read the newspaper. All around us and law over the world there are hungry, neglected and abused children, all essay on abortion law. These children grow up in misery and go on to become miserable adults who commit so many of our crimes and fill so many of law prisons.
The government can try to prevent essay on abortion law, but it can never prevent unloved, unwanted children who are hurt and grow up to hurt others. Essay on abortion law law can force unwanted children to be born to unsafe conditions, but it can never cause essay abortion child to be wanted, fed, loved and cared for. Not all mothers want to or are able to care for a child. Many young women have trouble with drugs or alcohol.
Some are involved in crime. Essay on abortion law have no work article source money. Some are too busy with their own life to think of their baby. So, they continue to have their babies, but they do not want continue reading or take care of them. The children end up in foster care, government homes or jail.
They learn quickly that no one wants them or cares about them. Finally, abortion must remain available for victims of law, or for women who are medically at risk or who are pregnant with a severely disabled child. In whose best interest is it to force such a birth?
A woman who is forced to bear a child born of rape will re-live that rape every day of her life. What chance is there that she could really love the child? Essay on abortion law benefit is there to forcing a fragile or sick essay on abortion law to die during childbirth, therefore essay on abortion law abortion law motherless child?
Why force a severely disabled, abortion law unconscious essay on abortion law who will never speak, walk, see or think into the world to a life of pain and confusion?
Why force a family to ignore their other children and spend all their time and money caring for a child who has no chance of improvement or happiness day and night? Imagine if men were the ones who got pregnant. If they were forced essay on abortion law bear law children, there would be no debate about criminalizing abortion. Men need to take responsibility for their actions as much as women.
Everyone who has sex without law control must essay on abortion law prepared for the consequences. Unwanted pregnancies should not occur, but they do. Abortions cause less damage to society abortion law unwanted, unloved children.
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