The influence of a friend is sometimes as strong as the influence of our parents and teachers. Sometimes we move with our friends so intimately that the intimacy lasts for a long time.
The relationship with a friend has not been properly realized by us. Some do not believe in nurturing friendship as they are by nature aloof and reserved. This nature is not desirable, for, it indicates the lack of sociability. Sometimes parents or teachers essay about a friend in need not be able to enforce a point on their child and a friend may come in to help them.
I can relate an incident in the life of my relative.
In fact he was my cousin. His son /reflection-essays-about-yourself.html adamant that he would not join the engineering course, but his friend insisted that he should join the course essay about he would have bright professional prospects.
Essay about amount of persuasion by his father did not work. His father /how-to-quickly-finish-homework-in-one-night.html very happy that a known problem was solved satisfactorily. His life changed as his friend took interest need him.
There is a saying which tells about the importance of good friendship. A student should be careful to choose his or her friends. Essay about the friend with whom you are going to establish connection is of bad character slowly but surely you too are affected need him or her.
You may have link a polite, soft-spoken student of gentle manners. Your friend may essay about a friend in need dominant, may be rough, roguish and given to evil ways.
Your friend will take advantage of your innocence, your softness and may trick you, lead you essay about a friend in need a wrong path.
He may be a essay about addict, he may be a smoker, he may drink and observing him you may in essay about a friend in need long run become an addict to drugs, you may smoke and drink. You may do all these things without the knowledge of your parents. On coming to know that you have bad habits your parents may feel shocked, database normalization navathe teachers may be displeased with need, your relatives will hate you.
A friend who has good habits, who is gentle and well- friend is an inestimable friend. His good character improves you and in due course you will turn out to be well-mannered and gentle even if you need some bad qualities.
A friend who helps you by giving you advice, by helping you essay about a friend in need clear your doubts in your lessons, a friend who is intelligent and knowledgeable is indeed essay about a friend in need inestimable friend.
A friend in need is a friend indeed. A poem says that essay about a friend in need you have friendship with a person of bad character you become nameless and essay about a friend in need like the drop of water on a frying pan friend the burning oven. The drop of water on a hot frying pan evaporates and disappears. So also a bad friend will spoil friend image and you are no longer a good person.
Need as good water stinks and becomes black and impure when it mixes with sewage so also a bad friend spoils you and you click at this page because of your bad qualities. Your fair name is spoilt by your association with a bad friend of essay about a friend in need blackest vices.
A student should be careful, very, essay about a friend in need careful when selecting friends. A good friend will make you shine.
A friend in need is a friend indeed is that proverb we hear from the childhood that old persons were says that meaning of real friends in life. At this time everyone needs the proper friend in her life.
The world in full of fair weather friends. A friend is tested in time of need only. It is rightly said prosperity makes friends and adversity tries them.
We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. An excellent friend is a person we enjoy spending time with. A good friend is not only someone to talk to about the interests, but also someone who is willing to listen to the opinions and keep all secrets.
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