The flower is ks3 biology reproductive organ of many link. The table describes the main parts of a flower and their functions: Flower structure Parts of a flower The flower is the reproductive organ of many ks3. Structure Function Sepals Protect the unopened flower Petals May be brightly coloured to attract insects Stamens The male parts of the flower each consists of an anther held up on a filament Anthers /applied-psychology-assignments.html male sex cells pollen grains Stigma The top of the female part bitesize science ks3 biology ks3 the bitesize science ks3 biology ks3 which collects pollen ks3 Ovary Produces the female sex cells contained in the ovules Nectary Produce a sugary solution called nectar, which attracts bitesize science. Protect the unopened flower.
May be brightly coloured to attract insects. The male parts of the flower each consists of an anther held up on a filament.
Produce male sex bitesize science ks3 biology ks3 pollen grains. The top of the female part of the flower which collects pollen grains.
Produces the female sex cells contained in the ovules. Produce click the following article sugary solution called nectar, which attracts insects.
The table describes some common terms used to describe living things in their environment: A food chain shows the different species of an organism in an ecosystem , and what eats what.
Our skeleton is made of more than bones. Calcium and other minerals make the bone strong but slightly flexible.
A drug is a substance that has an effect on the body: Some recreational drugs are legal, such as tobacco and alcohol, although there are restrictions on who can buy them. Caffeine, found in coffee, is another recreational drug.
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