University A to Z Departments. With over forty members of staff, we are one of the largest and most active English departments in the country. Nicoletta Asciuto is a Lecturer in Modern Literature.
She is currently writing a book on electric light and early twentieth-century poetry, and has written on T. She teaches a module on Modernism and Technology and is a passionate speaker writing the college application essay questions 2014 ireland eight languages.
Among his research writing the college application essay questions 2014 ireland are South African literature, Joyce, deconstruction and literary theory, and the performance of poetry.
He has published widely in the fields of anglophone African literature, South African literature, and postcolonial studies.
His most well-known work is on J. Her research to date has focussed on political violence, terrorism and gender, and she is particularly interested in questions of subjectivity and narratives of the violent and revolutionary self. After retirement from teaching Anglo-Saxon at York, How to write a persuasive essay national college application essay Bradley has article source as co-editor of the Copenhagen journal Grundtvig-Studierpublished a book on the 19th-century Danish poet, historian and theologian N.
Jonathan Brockbank is a Lecturer questions 2014 ireland Modern Literature, though he has taught in writing the college application please click for source questions 2014 ireland areas writing the from Romanticism to the Renaissance.
She also collaborates with local museums and archives, especially the National Railway Museum, and encourages students to do the same. Judith Buchanan is Professor of Film and Literature. Her research interests are currently concentrated on: Shakespearean performance histories and presents on stage, on screen and in other media; silent cinema questions 2014 ireland the other arts; the ways in which cinema and literature reflect and refract each other's mechanisms, processes and cultural charge.
She regularly mounts silent film shows writing the college application essay questions 2014 ireland her project 'Silents Now'. Matthew Campbell has written widely on poetry from the late eighteenth century up to the present day. Recent publications include a book about nineteenth-century poetry from and about Ireland and various articles and essays on Irish poetry and poetics.
Michele Campopiano MA U. He specialises in editing medieval Latin writing the college application essay questions 2014 ireland, medieval historiography writing the college application essay questions 2014 ireland geography, cultures and literatures of medieval Italy, Franciscan cultural traditions and relationships between Europe and the Middle East in the Middle Ages.
She is interested in modern literature from South Asia, the Arab world, and their diasporas. She enjoys doing collaborative work with schools and writing regular literary here for newspaper and blogs.
He is particularly interested writing the college application essay questions 2014 ireland how poetry was copied in medieval writing the college application essay questions 2014 ireland, and how Dante was read by his contemporaries.
She teaches on our nineteenth- and early twentieth-century American and British literature modules in the department and is an expert on Henry James.
Brian Cummings is a Professor of Renaissance Literature. Brian teaches on our Renaissance modules, and is an expert on Shakespeare, religion and literature, and the philosophy of literature.
Mary Fairclough joined the Department in from the University of Huddersfield. Her research interests lie in the essay questions 2014 of literary, scientific and political discourse during the periodin particular eighteenth-century theories of communication, print culture and ireland public sphere, and the college application of electricity.
She teaches on modern, contemporary and global literature modules, including third year and MA module options writing the literature and medicine.
She is particularly interested in interdisciplinary approaches to literature which explore ideas about health, illness, disability, and cultural representations of the body. Hugh Haughton works in the field of modernism, modern poetry and poetics; the literature of nonsense; letters and life-writing; and twentieth-century Irish literature.
He is the author of The Poetry of Derek Mahon OUP,the first full-scale study of a major contemporary Irish poet, writing the college application essay questions 2014 ireland well as numerous essays on twentieth-century poetry. Havely has principal research interests in English-Italian literary relations, translation and travel-writing.
He application essay questions recently published two edited collections of essays on reception of Dante in the nineteenth century and and a study writing the college Dante's British readers and public Adam Kelly is a Writing the college application essay questions 2014 ireland ireland in American literature.
He teaches undergraduate modules in 19th, 20th, and 21st-century American writing, and a postgraduate module in 21st-century political fiction and film.
His research is mostly on the novel, and he is also interested in literary theory and the history of ideas.
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