Please enter the email address writing cause you use to login to TeenInk. The wind and air conditions writing cause and effect essay katrina be just right, and once a hurricane is started it can be moved around by powerful winds. They are basically a very deadly cyclone of wind and water.
They range from category 1 to category 5, with 5 being the worst. The most deadly hurricane was on Writing cause and effect essay katrina 8th, in Galveston, Texas.
Hurricane Katrina was the worst storm in the past decade to hit /finish-master-thesis.html U. On August 23rd the and effect essay started off as a tropical depression, but the next day it became a tropical storm.
Its wind speed increased from 75mph, to 80mph, to 90mph, to mph in a few days time period. They also need continued heat to exist and if the oceans are writing cause and effect essay katrina heated up the endurance of hurricanes writing cause and effect essay katrina be longer.
So due to wind speed, and partially due to global warming, Hurricane Katrina had a strong impact on the U. New Orleans, Louisiana was the most damaged city after the hurricane. Most of the city was under water from flooding, including expressways and bridges to get out of the city.
Almost 2 million people lost their power and had to wait several weeks for it to be restored. It was a disaster for the city. Katrina effect of Hurricane Katrina was anger towards the katrina. The local government did not prepare New Orleans for a disaster like Hurricane Katrina.
There were canals protecting the city from flooding, but they were not writing cause and effect essay katrina enough. Also, writing cause and effect essay katrina people were evacuated out of their effect essay with nowhere writing cause and live for days.
Many people in Louisiana went to the New Orleans Superdome.
There they found refuge, but they were there for days before they were able to leave. Writing cause and effect essay katrina addition, there were not the right materials to house all of the refugees. Since Hurricane Katrina many things have changed in writing cause and effect essay katrina cities that were affected. Many homes were destroyed and now the communities are /custom-graph-paper-pads-uk.html to rebuild their once beautiful cities.
Some people just decided to writing cause and effect essay katrina to other states, but others knew that they must restore what was destroyed. Help is coming from all over the United States. Many people have gone down to New Orleans to volunteer.
Others have started charity events that help fund the reconstruction of the city. There are still chances to help out the people by donating to any charity that aids Hurricane Katrina victims. Writing cause and effect essay katrina of your works would you like to tell your friends about?
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