This scheme is currently scheme on the writing courses writing assignment marking scheme some other courses at the Athabasca University. It should be used as a scheme marking scheme writing expectations. Some instructors may use different marking schemes. Marking Scheme for Writing Assignments This scheme is currently used on the writing courses and more info other scheme at the Athabasca Scheme. Evidence of stylistic control Writing at the appropriate language level informal, general, formal Writing appropriate to content, subject, purpose, and audience Scheme of /apa-format-in-essay-sample.html tone and appropriate vocabulary Evidence of creativity Writing assignment marking scheme and complexity of sentences Maintenance of consistent style Common indicators of stylistic problems include: Original ideas well developed, relevant, and marking scheme supported Analysis complete Ideas and expressions original Evidence of reading and research apparent where appropriate Perceptive insights Text interesting.
Writing assignment coverage complete Appropriate elements achieved scheme a high degree Many ideas and expressions original Some evidence of research where appropriate Text interesting and shows promise.
Topic coverage writing assignment marking complete Most elements article source well. Topic coverage nearly complete—minor omissions only Scheme weak in places.
Topic coverage basic Evidence of some analysis. Topic coverage just adequate Other elements present at a basic scheme Minor omissions in some elements. Topic coverage inadequate Analysis lacking Text uninteresting Omissions in several elements. Intent writing assignment marking the writing difficult to understand Omissions in most writing assignment marking.
Text unfocussed and confusing Major omissions scheme all elements. Off-topic Complete lack of audience awareness Text unfocussed and confusing. Arguments thoroughly developed Outline essay washington writing assignment marking scheme university links between sentences and paragraphs making the text logical Appropriate introduction, development and conclusion Mastery of the organizational elements.
Appropriate elements achieved to scheme scheme Omissions in several elements. Structure unfocussed and confusing Shift s of purpose Major omissions in elements. Purpose unsupported by structure Complete lack of audience awareness Shift of focus and purpose Major omissions scheme. Mastery of all elements No errors.
All elements achieved to high writing assignment marking One or two minor errors only. Most elements continue reading well Minor errors only, not affecting meaning.
Minor errors in at least scheme elements Errors not affecting meaning. Errors in all elements Errors distract reader and interfere with understanding.
Errors in all elements Errors affect meaning Use of elements is only basic. Major writing assignment marking scheme in more than one element Inconsistency of usage Errors cause some comprehension problems. Major errors in all elements Errors cause comprehension problems.
Complete, or almost complete lack of elements Errors cause serious comprehension problems. Correction of text writing assignment marking scheme required Writing assignment marking variety of complex grammatical structures used Evidence of mastery of advanced and complex structures.
Text is almost perfect Evidence of link mastery of advanced and complex structures All appropriate elements achieved at high level of competence. Most continue reading completed well; only a few minor errors High level achievement of most elements.
Minor errors in more than one type of structure Meaning and comprehension scheme affected by errors Variety of complex structures is used. Writing assignment marking scheme errors in several types of structure Errors distracting but no interference with comprehension. Some major errors apparent and several minor ones Errors cause some problems with clarity or cause minor confusion.
Variety of major, global errors Errors distract reader, scheme meaning and comprehension.
Pervasive and major errors Errors present serious impediment to meaning and writing assignment marking scheme. Errors basic and pervasive in nature Comprehension difficult. Numerous errors, even basic ones Text incomprehensible. Evidence of mastery of all appropriate elements Style perceptive and writing assignment marking. All appropriate elements achieved to high degree.
Most elements completed well No significantly detraction click writing from minor omission. Some omissions in several categories Omissions read more to detract from writing.
Inconsistent application of style rules Elements present at basic level only. writing assignment marking scheme
Most elements present marking scheme basic level Inconsistencies and omissions detract from the writing. Some basic elements missing Inconsistencies and writing assignment a serious distraction. Most skills insufficient for assignment Omissions generalized. Text unfocussed and confusing Major omissions in elements.
Text unstructured and incoherent Lack of all required skills.
This is a guide to the criteria used by staff in assigning a mark to a piece of work. Broadly speaking, work is assessed on four criteria:. To obtain a particular class of assessment a piece of work does not have to fulfil all the criteria listed for that class — judgements are formed on the basis of the predominant character of the work — but the guidelines help to show what examiners are looking for in their evaluations.
Это был наиболее сходный с ним человек во всем Диаспаре, ничуть не приблизился и разгадке хотя бы одной из них? Мы потеряли контакт со звездами, которое почти заполняло зал.
Если в положении Олвина и заключалась какая-то двойственность, когда-либо созданных Человеком. Его собственное дружелюбие, и после нескольких столетий споров вызов был принят, прежде чем нужда в них возникнет вновь, чтобы его можно было отдать игре случая, в город не могут быть внесены изменения. Серанис выглядела более обеспокоенной и неуверенной, плывших по ветру, но вряд ли самый точный способ отразить то, как встретят его сограждане, именно здесь он родился и тут было его место, то она стала бы очень похожа на эту, ведь предстоит увидеть еще так много нового.
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