Writing a list in a paragraph css

Creating Lists - Learn to Code HTML & CSS

The previous list, for example, is an unordered list, created with the UL element:. An ordered list, created using the OL element, should contain information where order should be emphasized, as in a recipe:. Thus, when advertising a product, one might use a definition list:. Lists may also be nested and different list types may be used together, as in the following example, which is writing a list in a paragraph css definition list that contains an unordered list the ingredients and an ordered rights apush essay civil the procedure:.

Writing a list in a paragraph css

The exact presentation of paragraph css three list types depends /essay-on-my-school-of-class-3.html the user agent. We discourage authors from using lists purely as a means of indenting text.

Writing a list in a paragraph css

This is a stylistic issue and writing a list in a paragraph css properly handled by style sheets. Ordered and unordered lists are rendered in an identical manner except that visual user agents number ordered list items. User agents may present those numbers in a variety of ways.

Unordered list items are not numbered. Both types of lists are made up of sequences of list items defined by the LI element whose end tag may be omitted.

html - unordered list in a paragraph element - Stack Overflow

Lists writing a list in a paragraph css also be nested: Details about number order. In ordered lists, it is not possible to continue list numbering automatically from a previous list or to hide numbering of some list items. However, authors can writing list the number of a list item by setting its value attribute.

Numbering continues from the new value for subsequent paragraph css items.

Creating Lists

Definition lists vary only slightly from other types of lists paragraph css that list items consist writing a list in a paragraph css two parts: The term is given by the Writing a list in a paragraph css element and is restricted to inline content. The description is given with a DD element that contains block-level content. Another application of DLfor example, is for marking up dialogues, with each DT naming a speaker, and each DD containing his or her words.

The following is an informative description of the behavior of some current visual user agents when formatting lists. Style paragraph css allow better control of list formatting e. For both OL and ULthe type attribute specifies rendering options for visual user agents. For writing list UL element, possible values for the type attribute are discsquareand circle. The default value depends on the level of nesting of the current list.

These values are case-insensitive. How each value is presented depends on the user agent.

HTML Lists

User agents should attempt to source a "disc" paragraph css a small filled-in circle, a "circle" as a small circle outline, and a "square" as paragraph css small square outline. For the OL element, possible values for the type attribute are summarized in the table below they are case-sensitive:. Writing list that the type attribute is deprecated and list styles should be handled paragraph css style sheets.

Writing a list in a paragraph css

For example, using CSS, one may specify that the style of numbers for list elements in a numbered list should writing list lowercase roman numerals. In the excerpt below, every OL element belonging to the link "withroman" will have roman numerals in front of its list items. The DIR element was designed to paragraph used for creating multicolumn directory lists. The MENU element was designed to be used for single column menu lists.

Both elements have the css structure as ULjust different rendering. We strongly recommend using UL instead of these elements. This writing list sets the style of a list item.

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