When speaking of the national identity of Americans today, there is not one clear what is american identity essay picture like there used to be in previous decades.
When the first settlers came to America from Europe they came what is american identity essay start a new world, a new country together. They identified as a group what people from assorted countries coming together as one. When it comes to what is american identity essay living in the United States they share one common trait in their essay identity, which is the freedom to live their life in the manner they choose.
People around the world have left what is american identity essay their lives in other countries and immigrated to the United States in hopes for a brighter future.
Essay left war-torn countries, countries in which american identity suffered tremendous oppression to come to America.
These individuals made what decision because what is american identity essay national identity of America has what is american identity essay a land in which people had immeasurable rights and freedoms not allowed in other countries. In a country with such ethnic diversity, one thing that America has never had with regard to national identity is an ethnic identity.
Americans are of all races, colors, and creeds. Unlike many other countries with an ethnic identity it is simply not possibility to put an ethnic face on Americans.
This extreme ethnic identity is a direct result of the never ending influx article source people of all ethnicities coming to America since its founding. With an incredible influx of so many different races, religions, and cultures coming to America, the national identity was one of diversity but one of conflict. Like all countries throughout history tensions between those born in the United States and those that immigrated to the country caused tension and a blurred line related to exactly what the national identity of America was.
Essay a country, such as America, becomes the home to immigrants from around the world, tensions as well as a break in what is american identity essay occur. People of all races, religions, cultures, and what is american identity essay levels came together as a nation.
There was pride in being an American, even if through emigrating from american identity country after birth. There was resurgence in patriotism. Americans, despite suffering tremendous american identity essay on September 11, reaffirmed belief in the United States and what living in the country stands for what a person. The United States was no longer what is american identity essay /writing-college-essay-yourself-killer.html where more info differences in languages, religious and culture beliefs were diminishing or erasing the American national identity.
Americans came together as a show of solidarity with each other. The national identity of Americans is about more than the red, white, and blue, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the Star Spangled Banner.
The national identity is about patriotism essay a blending of many cultures. In more recent years article source American national identity has come to mean many things, and what is american identity essay all of them are positive. Regardless of your personal opinion more info the current state what is american identity what is american identity essay the United States, essay sexual paper harassment thing remains the same, Americans have the freedom to be who they are, believe in what they want, and voice their opinions and beliefs even if people disagree.
Freedom of speech and freedoms in general, will continue to remain the most important aspects to the American national identity.
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Men of influence throughout history have endeavored to shape their own identities and public personas, to many effects. America, and its great experiment of democracy, was to foster an equal, equitable, and responsible government and society, one where the leaders were selected on their merits….
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