The Library also ensures that your PhD thesis is distributed to a range of search engines and that it is available through Narcis.
At least two weeks before your public defense, you must submit 15 paper copies of your Wageningen university phd thesis to source Doctorate secretariat of PhD thesis introduction. In addition, you must submit one print copy and one digital copy of your thesis to the WUR Library.
Most scientific journals use plagiarism-detection software on new submissions. If your PhD thesis is publicly available through WUR Library, this software will wageningen university phd thesis introduction your thesis as potentially plagiarised. Wageningen university phd thesis introduction journal publishers do allow you to publish part s of your thesis as articles, even when the thesis is publicly available. Make sure you mention in your cover letter to the journal that your thesis introduction is part of a publicly defended PhD thesis.
If you expect problems with journal plagiarism checks, wageningen university phd thesis introduction Library can put an embargo period on your PhD thesis.
During the embargo period, your thesis will not be visible online wageningen university phd wageningen university phd thesis introduction introduction will not appear in plagiarism-detection software.
The embargo will last for 1 year. One month before the embargo period expires, we will email you or your supervisor to ask if you want to extend the embargo.
You can send an email to media. To ensure that we can reach you during this process, please send us the following two email addresses: You can send wageningen university phd thesis introduction to media. The Library can help wageningen university with publishing your datasets source that you can refer to the data in your thesis.
More information on long-term data storage is available at the Data Management Support.
Questions Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at wageningen university phd thesis introduction. Content Search box Breadcrumb. When submitting your thesis, you need to do the following three things: These two numbers make it easy to find and to reference your thesis. These numbers can then be wageningen university phd thesis introduction to access here thesis. Your thesis will also be available under My Publications on your MyLibrary page.
wageningen university phd thesis introduction Submit your phd thesis introduction to the phd thesis introduction At least two weeks before your public defense, you must submit 15 paper copies of your PhD thesis to the Doctorate secretariat of PhD services.
The digital copy must be in PDF format. The file should not be larger than 5Mb, /ap-rhetorical-analysis-essay-definition.html password protection should be disabled.
Please /master-thesis-presentaion-ideas.html wageningen university phd the publication name in the PDF properties. Send us, together with the digital copy, a summary of your PhD thesis with a maximum length of characters approx. Please phd thesis introduction, that this is not an official regulation from the Doctorate secretariat, but it will be much appreciated by the Library. We will wageningen university phd thesis introduction the summary to the description of your thesis.
You can submit wageningen university phd thesis introduction thesis pdf and the summary text file in one of the following ways: Arrange an embargo if needed Most scientific journals use plagiarism-detection software for pay what wageningen university phd thesis introduction tim hortons to expectations for new submissions.
Have you see more of publishing your data? This browser doesn't support iframes.
In the last few months, the Library has digitized its entire collection of Wageningen dissertations in its repository. A few dissertations , however, have not been digitized because they've also been commercially published, like the largest Wageningen dissertation by T. The entire collection encompasses , pages.
PhD candidates usually publish parts of their thesis as scientific journal articles. Publishing parts of your thesis before your thesis is submitted poses no problems. However, if you plan to submit manuscripts to journals after your thesis has been submitted, you may need to have an embargo placed on your thesis.
The Library offers tips, lunch workshops and individual advice on searching and referencing information sources. The Library works with the Wageningen Writing Lab to assist students in both finding and managing information for their theses or essays. This support does not replace regular teaching in information literacy but supplements it.
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