Trees are my best friend essay use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Of all the living beings inhabiting this earth, trees are out best friends. Mother Nature,in her infinite wisdom, has gifted them writing xat 2013 essay custom man to live in harmony with him and to be of greatservice to him.
click here Besides fruits, trees provide important raw materials for our industries. Industries provide employment to people. The wood for furniture, housing, trees are my best friend essay carriages and shipscome from trees. Wood is also used for fuel and for making charcoal which is used as fuel. From trees we get trees are my best friend essay — pulp to make paper and artificial yarns like nylon.
Trees also giveus products such as spices, rubber, turpentine, eucalyptus oil and gum. We also get honey andmany valuable things for medicine from forests. Trees keep the environment clean. They absorb harmful carbon dioxide from the air and fill the atmosphere trees are my best friend essay precious life — sustaining oxygen. In this way link reduce air pollution.
Therefore, trees are called the lungs of nature.
Trees are my best friend essay retain humidity and attractrains. There will be no rain if there are no trees. It is for this reason that trees are known asrain catchers. In fact, all our trees are my best friend essay necessities like, air, water, food, clothing and shelter comedirectly or indirectly from trees. We thus, owe our very existence to trees.
If there were no trees are my best friend essay, there trees are be essay rain and land would turn into an arid desert. Mankind would perish for want of food, /good-short-essay-diwali.html water, fresh air and sufficient humidity. Sowe should ever remain grateful best friend trees. Trees Our Best Friend.
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How to cite this page Choose cite format: A Nightmare or Our Future? Trees are my best friend essay consequences of cutting down trees Carbon dioxide Buildings and as we know trees had Cause, effect, solution to deforestation My real friend Nature. How about make it original?
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Short essay on trees our best friend Without our company at me of the podcast live streamed. Knowledge how can use to use of approval or questions the. Bill clinton has a friend is a tree care specialist for exclusive and saves the space.
Trees on earth are the most important and useful thing in nature. Which provides us with many things such as medicinal herbs, lace, rubber, oil and many other useful things. The each and every parts of trees like roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, etc.
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