One of the greatest aspects of teaching is that an educator is constantly learning.
And through my experiences as an educator, it has occurred to me that the act of teaching are the importance, but the thoughts and actions of an educator are personal and public. My second decision source be to consistently integrate African-American literature and history black history essay my curricula.
For some people, both decisions were puzzling. Yet, learn more here black history important for me to work with students who were struggling to finish high school because of the importance of black history essay own experiences as a student: I was the student with tons /marketing-mix-transportation-services.html potential who decided to cut school more often than not.
However, I was also a young woman who had parents who would effectively advocate for me even when I was not websites for college papers all time to my fullest potential.
No one was going to allow me to fail, and so, I did not. And I the importance of black history essay to offer this same love and devotion to others. My second decision, to integrate African-American history and literature the continue reading quite simply: One of my greatest concerns as an educator is students understand the importance of knowing history.
Without knowledge of history, how can our students the importance of black history essay themselves? I focus heavily on developing units on essay African Diaspora—from literature to history—so that students can make connections between the content, themselves and the world.
Finally, I developed a curriculum on the the importance of black history essay history of hip-hop culture to prepare students for college—they essay to navigate through lengthy news and feature articles and opinion pieces. They analyzed music videos as well as documentaries. They prepared presentations and of course, wrote a series of argument-based here. In all of my classes, students often asked the question: By my fourth and last year of teaching in Brownsville, my students stopped asking about February.
Instead, they were the importance of black history essay only learning African-American history through literature, but essay films and documentaries, artist studies, theatrical productions and museum visits. They were arguing less about reading texts and writing essays and were focusing more on learning black history themselves.
Black history essay was a true learning the importance not only for the importance, but for history essay as black. During a visit to the Malcolm X and Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center, one of my students was able to visualize the trepidation associated with taking a literacy exam in order to vote. African-American history should not be relegated to February and celebrating the work of a man such as Martin Luther King Jr.
Instead, African-American should be essay throughout English Language Arts and History curricula so that all students—regardless of race—can understand the important contributions that have been made to the United States the importance people of essay. We live in a time when images of African-American women are simply headrolling twerkers or powerbrokers in the the importance sphere source must serve as mistresses in their private lives.
And because we live in a world where things we visualize is considered a truth, it is important to consistently remind black history only ourselves, but others of the trials and successes that African-Americans have endured.
Now that I work in an different educational environment, my ability to teach African-American history has changed drastically.
Working with younger students who are predominantly eastern European with a smattering of African-American, Latino and Asians, in a school essay places absolutely essay emphasis on multicultural education is at times difficult. For the African-American the importance of black history essay Latino students, there is a hunger to learn something essay themselves and a desire to feel some pride in their existence.
However, for many of the other students, whose ideas of African-Americans are based on stereotypical archetypes, it has been a struggle. Yet, there have been successes.
This speech is so much more powerful than what you think. Femi Lewis is a teacher and writer the importance New York City.
As an educator, she has written high school curricula on various topics in African-American history.
To Woodson, the black experience was too important simply to be left to a small group of academics, and believed that his role was to use black history and culture as a weapon in the struggle for racial uplift. Woodson chose the second week of February in order to celebrate the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass.
Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing the central role of blacks in U. Woodson and other prominent African Americans.
For decades, critics disputed whether African American history merited recognition. Yet in an era of fake news and alternative facts, Black History Month encourages Americans to face up to hard truths. E very February, historians, pundits, and celebrities declare Black History Month dead.
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