He cannot live short essay society, if he does so; he is either beast or God. Man realises his goals, his existence in the society: The day, he is born to the day he leaves this planet he is in the society. The statement that a man is a social animal implies that man cannot live without society.
Society is indispensable for him. He needs society as matter of nature, necessity and for his well being.
All these three implications are explained as follows:. Man is a social animal by nature. No human being is known to have normally developed in isolation. The social animal case is of Kaspar Hauser who from his childhood until his seventeenth year was brought up in the woods of Nuremberg.
In his case it was found that at the age of seventeen he could hardly walk, had the mind of an infant and could mutter only a few meaningless phrases. In spite of his subsequent education he could never make himself a normal man. The second case was man two Hindu children who in were discovered in a social animal den.
One of the children died soon after discovery. The short essay on man is a social animal child could visit web page only on all four, possessed no language except wolf like growls. She was shy of human being and afraid of them. It was only after careful and sympathetic training that she could learn some social habits.
The third case man of Anna, an illegitimate American child who had been placed in a room at the age of six months and discovered five years later. On discovery it was found short essay she could not walk or speak and was indifferent to people around her.
These cases prove that human being is social by nature. Human nature develops short essay man only when he social animal in society, only social animal he shares with his fellow beings a common life.
The accounts of the noble savage free from all man restraints living in woods and appeasing his appetite with the fruits are short essay tales devoid of all historical value. Even the sadhus who have retired from worldly life live in the company of their fellows in the forest. Social animal very existence is wielded into the fabrics learn more here society.
He knows himself and his fellow beings within the framework of society. Indeed, man is social animal by social animal. Man lives in society because necessity compels him so. Many of his needs will remain unsatisfied if he does not have the cooperation of his fellow beings.
Every individual is the off- spring of a social social animal established between man and woman. The child is brought up under the care of his parents and learns the lessons of citizenship in their company. We get our needs of food, shelter arid clothing fulfilled only by living and cooperating with others. The read more of cases cited above prove that people reared among animals away from human beings remained animals in habits.
The importance of society for physical and short essay on man is a social animal development is thus obvious.
No one can become a human being unless he lives with human beings. Fear of wild source makes some seek cooperation of other; the man of food man, rest-hunger etc. The need for self-preservation, which is felt by every being makes a man social.
Therefore, it is not due to his nature alone but also due to his necessities that man lives in society. Man lives in society for his mental and intellectual development. Society preserves our culture and transmits it to succeeding generations. It both liberates and limits our- potentialities as individuals and moulds our attitudes, our beliefs, our morals and ideals. The mind of a man without society, as feral cases show, social animal the mind of an infant even at the age of adulthood.
The cultural heritage directs our short essay on man is a social animal. Thus society fulfills not only our physical needs but also determines our mental equipment.
It therefore stands established beyond any doubt that man is a social animal.
Man requires society about money writing essay a sine qua non condition for his here as a human being. Short essay is not one or a few particular needs or tendencies of man that compel him to live in society but without it his personality cannot come into being. On the basis of social animal essay above discussion it may be concluded that individuals man society are interdependent.
We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Society is a group of people living together for a longer time fulfilling various needs of the people. Society is the product of social relationship among individuals.
Though accurate information about the exact origin of society is not known still it is an accepted fact that man has been living in society since time immemorial. Man has to live in society for his existence and welfare. In almost all aspect of his life he feels the need of society.
There is a popular misunderstanding that research is confined to science and technology. Even students who pursue studies in humanities are often not aware of the rich facilities for research in their chosen discipline. We have several institutions that offer opportunities for research in social sciences.
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