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Germany is well-known for its excellently trained specialists who contribute to securing our global competitiveness. To retain this position in the long term, we need high-performing and innovative students who scholarship for master scholarship for master thesis in germany in germany willing to commit their knowledge and potential to Germany as an industrial location.
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How to become a part of the scholarship program The application process is thesis germany exclusively by universities. What we are looking for Students of all nationalities studying at German scholarship for master who are expected to achieve above-average results during their studies are eligible for a scholarship.
This scholarship programme offers you the opportunity to continue your academic education in Germany with a postgraduate course of study. The application procedure occurs online through the DAAD portal. Please note that the access to the application portal only appears while the current application period is running.
Looking for a suitable scholarship? A variety of foundations offer grants to students at all levels of study and eligibility is not limited to students with outstanding marks.
Topic of the doctoral thesis: Please submit your electronic application to Dr. Aachen University , Germany.
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