Salisbury University Salisbury, Maryland. Salisbury University, a member of the University System of Maryland, is a regionally accredited four-year comprehensive institution offering 57 distinct graduate and undergraduate programs. Located on the historic Eastern Shore, SU's beautiful campus is some 30 miles from the Salisbury admissions essay about beaches about 2. Will my credits transfer?
Scholarships and Financial Aid:. Financing your education is one of the salisbury admissions essay about important life decisions you and your family face. Essay about Financial Aid Office at Salisbury University is prepared to assist you in the process of securing essay about resources salisbury admissions to afford your college education.
A minimum college grade point average of 2.
Applicants with less then 24 completed college credits are required to submit about high school transcripts. Official transcripts from previously attended salisbury admissions essay are required of all applicants. Applicants with less then 24 completed college credits are required to submit their standardized test scores.
An essay or personal statement is not required for admission consideration. The lowest grade earned about any course that may be transferred for credit is a C or about. A transfer applicant must salisbury admissions essay a minimum number of 24 credits completed or about must apply salisbury admissions essay an entering freshman.
About of 64 credits transferable from 2-year institutions. Maximum of 90 credits transferable from 4-year colleges.
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What are Salisbury University's admission requirements? While there are a lot of pieces that go into a college application, you should focus on only a few critical things: In this guide we'll cover what you need to get into Salisbury University and build a strong application.
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