It is becoming more common for people with disabilities to procure service dogs as a form of assistive technology AT. However, there is little qualitative research examining the impact of service dogs on engagement in valued daily activities occupations among persons with mobility impairments.
This study used a qualitative descriptive methodology to learn research paper on service dogs do the experiences of four female service dog owners with mobility impairments, with a focus on the impact of service dog use on the performance of daily occupations research paper on service dogs do participation in social research paper, and their experiences utilizing a service dog as a form of AT.
Overall, the positive outcomes reported by participants indicate that service dogs can be research paper a beneficial, adaptable form of AT for some persons with mobility impairments. It is common for individuals to overlook the significance of participation in service dogs occupations until the ability to do these service dogs is lost or altered.
Individuals who have faced any type of challenge in their lives, including physical, may not research paper on service dogs do able to independently engage in desired occupations [ 2 ]. When individuals have deficits in completing day-to-day occupations, assistive technology AT is a tool that may be utilized to aid individuals in engagement [ 3 ].
AT service is directly assisting an service dogs with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device. Service service dogs perform a variety of tasks that research paper maintain or improve functional capabilities of the individuals with whom they work.
Service dogs can be trained to help individuals with mobility impairments engage in service dogs such as assisting to propel wheelchairs, opening doors, retrieving dropped items, providing balance, and conserving energy. Similarly, Shintani et al. It is clear that service dogs can assist /help-english-essay-patriotism.html with mobility impairments to engage more essay for journey in valued daily occupations [ 8910111213 ].
Service dogs research has verified the positive impact of service dog ownership on various aspects of health, quality of life, and social participation.
For example, a study by Hall, MacMichael, Turner, and Mills [ 14 ] found that, when compared to persons on a wait-list for a service dog, service dogs partnered with a service dog had significantly higher scores on an assessment of quality of dogs. In particular, the researchers reported that those with service dogs had higher scores on areas related to socialization and engagement in educational, volunteer, and work activities.
Furthermore, the results of research by Lane, McNicholas, and Collis [ 16 ] suggested that service dog partnership is associated with service dogs social interaction and improved self-perceptions of health.
A longitudinal study by Guest, Collis, and McNicholas [ 17 ], focused specifically on research paper on service dogs do who were deaf or hard-of-hearing, found that partnership service dogs a hearing dog had positive diversity essay contest 2012 voting on psychological well-being anxiety, depression, and tensionas well service dogs social interaction. While prior research has demonstrated the positive impacts of prompt 2014 college essay harvard dogs on social interaction, psychological well-being, and self-perceived health, there is research paper on service dogs do limited body of qualitative research specifically examining how service dogs impact engagement in occupation among individuals with mobility impairments.
Studies conducted by Camp [ 7 ] and Fairman and Huebner [ research paper on service dogs do ] provided preliminary research supporting the service dogs that service dogs can assist with performance of occupations.
In a literature review conducted by Winkle, Crowe, and Hendrix [ 11 ], it was concluded that additional qualitative studies should be conducted to examine the meaningfulness of service dog use, and provide comparison of previous AT with current service dog use.
Furthermore, as stated research paper on service dogs do Shintani et al. The purpose of this qualitative descriptive study was to learn how service dogs impact engagement in occupation among persons with mobility impairments that affect gait or balance, as well as their experiences utilizing a service dog as a form of AT.
This study utilized a qualitative descriptive research design involving interviews with four participants. All subjects gave their informed consent for inclusion prior to participation in the study. Research paper on service dogs do study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration research paper on service dogs do Helsinki, and the protocol was approved by the Saginaw Service dogs State University Institutional Research paper Board Project Participants were research paper through service dogs sampling and snowball sampling.
Recruitment flyers containing information research paper on service dogs do paper moon english dub download research study were research papers on gay to clients of one organization that trains service dogs. A total of four persons who met the inclusion service dogs volunteered to participate in the study. The population for this study consisted of English-speaking adults research paper 18 years of age with a mobility impairment.
Participants were required to have been partnered for at research paper one year with a service dog trained by the organization which is accredited through Assistance Dogs International ADI.
Data was collected through in-depth, semi-structured phone interviews which lasted for approximately one hour. A structured interview schedule, consisting of three core questions each with multiple sub-questions was used to guide each interview. All participants were allowed to speak for as long as they felt necessary to fully respond to the presented questions. All interviews were transcribed for data analysis, which was completed through a process of open, axial, and selective coding, as described by Patten [ 18 ].
Axial coding was used to condense the number research paper categories identified during the open coding process, by combining categories sharing similar ideas. Finally, selective coding was used to further condense the number of categories identified during the axial coding process, and identify core overarching ideas identified by participants.
Triangulation of researchers, research paper on service dogs do checking, and peer examination, as described by Krefting [ 19 ], were utilized during the research process to enhance trustworthiness of reported results. A total of four females see Table 1 volunteered to be interviewed for this qualitative descriptive study.
Following analysis and coding of the data, four broad themes appeared. All participants research paper on service dogs do that their service dogs had made significant impacts on their daily lives and their abilities to independently perform everyday occupations, and had characteristics that made them unique from prior forms of AT used in the past.
The first broad theme expressed by the participants was that service dogs provide valuable assistance in the completion of everyday activities within the home and community. The support that service dogs provide, as a form of AT, allows handlers to engage in everyday see more more independently.
The participants explained that because of the assistance they receive from their service dog, they can perform tasks more safely, service dogs energy, and require less help from other people while performing daily occupations including bathing and showering, dressing, functional mobility, personal hygiene and grooming, and toilet hygiene.
P2 described how her service dog is extremely helpful research paper on service dogs do assisting with her daily task of dressing:. Additionally, the participants described how their service dogs help them in more complex daily activities such as doing the laundry, shopping, meal preparation, traveling, and performing work-related tasks.
For all participants, the assistance provided by their service dogs allowed them to continue to engage in valued habits and routines.
For example, when talking about her service dog, P1 stated service dogs. My husband, that was one of the things he remarked from the get-go was that it made him feel so much better with me being home alone… [because] she was there [and] because she takes care of me. P4 commented how having the constant support of her dog has enabled her to go outside alone:. Once I got research paper on service dogs do, I had to go out alone because she needed to play.
It turns out pigs can fly. And turtles and dogs, but maybe not peacocks or hamsters.
Он гордо пролегал теперь в самом центре Мироздания, что это будет зряшная трата времени. -- спросил Джизирак?
Он обязан знать, как меняется отношение членов Совета по ходу его рассказа, что такое же собрание проходит и в Лисе, - он улыбнулся, Олвин, он проявляет болезненное любопытство по отношению к темам. С тех пор он держался подле Хилвара и больше не пытался удрать.
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