Sigmund Freud — founder of psychoanalysis. Self-love, or sexual gratification obtained by psychology dictionary narcissism psychology dictionary narcissism. In psychoanalysis, cathexis of narcissism ego by sexual psychology dictionary, as occurs in homosexuality, according to Sigmund Freud — in his book Three Essays on the Theory of SexualityStandard Psychology dictionary narcissism, VII, pp.
The Austrian-born US psychoanalyst Psychology dictionary narcissism Kohut —81 viewed narcissism as a natural part of development, but the British-based Austrian psychoanalyst Melanie Klein — and her followers questioned Freud's theory, arguing that object-relationships are evident from the earliest psychology dictionary narcissism of sucking.
See also ego libido, grandiose self, narcissistic neurosis, narcissistic object-choice, narcissistic psychology dictionary narcissism disorder, primary narcissism, /how-to-outline-a-philosophy-essay.html narcissism. Science and technology — Psychology.
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Don't have an account? Narcissism is generally considered to be a pathological form of self-love that is characterized by arrogance, self-absorption, a sense of entitlement, and reactivity to criticism. Interest in narcissism as a personality feature and its clinical variant—narcissistic personality disorder NPD —has increased dramatically in recent years.
Who dishes out insults and condescension, but flies off the handle at the slightest disagreement or whiff of criticism? If so, you may be dealing with a narcissist. Learn what you need to know about narcissistic personality disorder NPD so you can spot the narcissists in your life, protect yourself from their power plays, and establish healthier boundaries.
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